→ Chapter fourteen

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Hey guys!

I'm so, so, so sorry for not updating for ages! I just started back at school this week and already have quite a bit of work :( So I'll only probably be uploading on a friday's as I have them off and Sunday :)

I promise I won't miss them, but if I do, I'll make it up to you!

Anyway, this chapter isn't the most amazing, it's more horsey than anything. The next chapter will be better, promise!

But I'll let you read on!!

Next Update: Sunday [Maybe as I'm going to look at a few horses this weeked.]

- Bron



They couldn't just have gone and ridden in the indoor could they? They had to come down with the me to the outdoor. Sure if it was just Ryan, or just Matt it would probably be ok, I could ignore one. But two!? Two brothers that I have both kissed, two brothers that I both like and I have no idea what I'm going to do. I was going to avoid them for as long as I could, but that only lasted a few hours. Any girl would love to be in this situation with these two perfect guys, but me? I hate drama! I let out a sigh as we reached the arena, I glanced at both of them before pressing my heels against Maddie's sides, making her erupt into her bouncy but comfortable trot. I couldn't help but smile, god I've missed this horse.

"Elena! What are you doing?!" I heard Ryan shout out after me as I trotted down to the other end of the arena,

"I'm working! You should too!" I yelled back at him over my shoulder, what a stupid question... I sighed again, I have to get my thoughts away from them, I just need to concentrate on my riding and Maddie. I quickly gathered up my plaited, leather reins as I reached the other side of the arena. I softly asked for her to soften, which she gladly took. Was there anything this horse wouldn't do? I gathered her up and did a few warm-up laps. I pushed my heels down as far as I could and sat up into my 2-point position. I should probably do no stirrup work, but to be honest, I didn't want to have dead legs tomorrow. I had made Maddie work harder than I have made her work ever before on her flat work, collections, extensions, flying changes, you name it. I did it with her. Usually I only did a quick warm up and then I'd go straight into Jumping, but I felt like I was a bit rusty with all the flat-work and it wouldn't hurt Maddie to do it. So far the boys haven't said anything to me, or even come anywhere near me. They were fooling around down on the other end of the arena, don't even ask me how they seem to win everything. Their training seems to be a few laps of trot and canter and then a few odd jumps here and there. I softly moved my weight to the back of the saddle and Maddie smoothly changed from walk to canter. I let her have a long rein as I walked down to where the guys were waiting,

"You done?" Ryan laughed, as he shifted his weight in his saddle,

"uh..no. I haven't even jumped yet." I scoffed as I kicked my feet out of my stirrups and swung myself off of Maddie, "Unlike you both, who seem to just fool around. I actually train." I continued as grabbed Maddie's reins and swung them over her head before making my way to the combination that was set up across the middle of the arena.

"Do you know how many strides are in here?" I asked, glancing back at Ryan and Matt who looked like they were about to burst out laughing, but as soon as they saw my eyes on them they quickly sobered up and looked at each other,

"I think 2 and then 1, you can change it if you want," Matt replied as squeezed his horse into a walk, making his way over to where I stood.

"Good. Because I need too."

"I'll do it, how many strides do you want?"

"umm..thanks. 2 and a half and then 1 and half. I need to work on my lengthening and shortening," I smiled as I swung my reins over her head and then quickly mounted again.


I took a deep breath as I rounded the corner to the combination, I planned to go for 3 strides and then 2. I've figured that Maddie is very quick on being about to lengthen her strides but as soon as I ask for a shortened stride, it's like the whole world has ended. She gets upset and decides today isn't the day that she wants to co-operate with me. Knowing the show this weekend, they'll probably put some tricky striding in their combos. As we reached the first upright I felt her speed up slightly, but I softly half halted and made her wait, these where only about 3' 9 so if I mucked up it wouldn't be too dangerous. I felt Maddie, shift her weight to her back legs as she took the first one in her stride, like it was just a pole on the ground. I quickly, but calmly gathered her up for the second jump as she landed, land, 1, 2, 3. Perfect! I closed again as she took the rising oxer, land, 1, 2, 2 1/2.

"Shit!" I yelled as Maddie put a chip in, making an awkward jump, I quickly gathered my reins again and gave a pat on the neck, she saved my butt, I'd asked to strongly, I glanced over at Matt and Ryan who where killing themselves laughing,

"Assholes." I shout as I canter pass them again, making my way back to the combination.

"Not our fault you looked hilarious," Ryan tried to get out between his laughing, I shook my head as I turned my attention to the combination. 1, 2, 3. I closed over the first jump again and calmly gathered her up again, land, 1, 2, 3. Perfect! I gathered up my reins and softly half halted her, I felt her slow underneath me, land, 1, 2. PERFECT! I let myself close perfect over the jump and gave her a massive pat,

"Good girl!" I sing as I leave massive pats on her neck. That felt incredible! I've never gotten her to respond to me like that in combinations until now, maybe the flat work before helped her understand what I wanted from her more.

I didn't let the smile drop as pulled her to a halt as I reached the guys,

"That was better than the first time." Matt laughed as he patted his own horse,

"Are you guys actually going to do something? Or just sit here looking like spaztics?" I asked as I kicked out my stirrups.

"Well. We are going to put these puny jumps up to 5'3 and do a course. Want to do it to?" Ryan asked as he kicked his stirrups out and swung himself off of the his big, solid black warmblood.

5'3? I've only ever jumped up to 4'5, I glanced down at Maddie who wasn't even sweating, Alan did say she could jump up to 5'5 but I don't know if I was up it yet. I took a deep breath, it couldn't be that hard could it? I looked at Matt and Ryan and nodded,

"Sure..Why not?"

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