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Four months into the school year and I've grown accustom to Kaidou talking to me when ever he has the chance. He has a lot of chances. Walking home with him, Nendou, and Saiki is now the usual. Of course, they are the only three that have heard me speak. Everyone else at PK Academy still thinks I'm mute. Not once have I spoken by accident during school... That's a lie. It was three days ago, during lunch time, when Kaidou had mentioned getting a side-kick...

"Ne, L/n! What do you think about me having a side-kick?" Kaidou questions excitedly as soon as the lunch bell rang.

I slowly turn to face him and give him a loud sigh. I shrug my shoulders and wait for his answer.

"Hmm... I think I should have one! My brother wants to be my disciple, not my side-kick, so I need to find someone who's willing... Saiki!" Kaidou shoots up from his seat and looks at Saiki, who is still sitting in his seat.

Saiki flinchs, "No."

Kaidou whines, "But I didn't say anything yet!"

"I overheard what you said to L/n, I don't want to be your side-kick." Saiki stands up and walks out of the classroom. He's probably going to the cafeteria.

"Oh, pal wait up! Let's eat ramen!" Nendou gets up from his seat to follow Saiki.

Kaidou sighs, "Let's go, L/n, or else they'll eat ramen without us."

I get up from my seat and follow as Kaidou rushes out of the classroom to catch up with Saiki and Nendou. As I entered the cafeteria, Kaidou stands up from his seat and waves to get my attention. How the hell did he get ramen so fast? I walk over and sit down.

"Nendou! Wanna be my side-kick?" Kaidou questions seriously.

Nendou stares blankly at him, "Huh? Why am I the side-kick? You're shorter than me!"

Kaidou blushes in embarrassment, "So? Being 159 centimeters isn't short... Right Saiki, L/n?"

"You're short." Saiki takes a bite of his coffee jelly.

Kaidou looks at me, broken-hearted, "Am I really?"

I give him a nod.

"You guys are so mean!" He whines.

Nendou bursts out in laughter, "Are you an idiot? Of course being 159 centipedes is short!"


"You moron! It's centimeters!" Kaidou retorts.

"No it's not! It's centipedes," Nendou calls back, "Mom says so!"

"Well your mom is wrong!" Kaidou growls.

Nendou stares down at Kaidou, "Mom is not wrong."

"Shut up you boneheads." I hiss in annoyance. I freeze. Shit- I start stuffing my face with ramen.

"Slow down bro! Eating too much at once will make you choke!" Nendou laughs.

Kaidou stares, "Wah, you just spoke!"

I give Kaidou a death glare before violently shaking my head.

"Uh? You didn't speak," he gasps, "YOU WILL MAKE THE PERFECT SIDE-KICK!"

I spit out my ramen and stand, "ARE YOU AN-"

I immediately sit down and start stuffing my face again. If they still think I'm mute, they won't bother me... Besides these morons.

Saiki's eyes widen, "You're a genius!"

I stop slurping the ramen and stare at him in confusion. Huh?

"Uh, nothing. Nevermind." He finishes up the rest of his coffee jelly.

Kaidou sits down from standing. Since when was he standing? "So it's official! You're my side-kick! What powers do you have?"

I slurp the last of my ramen and turn to him. Snapping your neck. I shrug. Saiki snorts, but plays it off. Nendou stares in curiosity.

"Hmm... You can have a demon eye! The eye can give you dark magic powers-" he gasps,"-which is why the Dark Reunion is trying to make you turn against me! Is that why you're not talking to me?!"

I stare at him. WhAT?!

"Don't worry, Dark Fangs! As your leader and friend, I will protect you! So, please don't turn against me!" Kaidou sheds a tear.

I can't believe this...

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