✨Cruise: Arguments✨

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The sun is starting to set and there have only been like four items that washed up.

"The sun is setting, I guess we should stop for the day." Teruhashi calls for everyone.

"Let's eat then!" Shun cheers. Saiko decided it was a good time to show up and look at the progress everyone did. He didn't seem too happy.

"You all are useless."

"Says the guy who did nothing!" Kabuyasu and I shout in unison.

Teruhashi sighs, "Please calm down. We can do more work tomorrow! Let's just eat and get some sleep. Okay?"

"Only if you say so Teruhashi." Saiko crosses his arms. Kuboyasu nods.

"Whatever you Smurf." I get up from my spot. "If you just looked at our food supply- MERA YOU GLUTTON! YOU PUT THAT DOWN!"

Everyone's attention goes to the food supply and Mera. She had eaten it all. Everyone looks half dead.

"So we have no food?!" Shun shrieks in fear.

Mera looks up like a wide deer in headlights. She takes off running into the forest when everyone rushes over to her. I can walk off the pain.

"Why the hell didn't you say anything you useless piece of cardboard!" Saiko grips my shirt.

"I did. You were all too busy staring at Teruhashi to realize the situation!" I ripped his hand off my shirt.

Saiko clicks his tounge before walking away. "Whatever. I'll be rescued soon. I don't care what happens to you lowlives."

"Whatever king useless." I retorted.

Shun tugs at my hand, "You shouldn't be so mean M/n..."

"But I'm still right. He isn't doing a thing."

"Like you can say anything, you didn't do anything either!" Saiko cuts me off with a loud outburst.

I clench my jaw, "I was told to sit and do nothing. I didn't have a choice, but you did and what did you choose? To do nothing like the useless brat you are!"

"Take that back!" Saiko turns on his heel, fists clenched into fists.

"Like hell-"

Shun covers my mouth, "He's sorry! He takes it back. Now please, no more fighting."

"Kaidou-kun is right... Let's just get some rest." Chiyo pipes up.

Saiko rolls his eyes, "Whatever!"

Shun grabs my arm and leads me away from the group. My heart pounds in my chest. I can feel that he's upset with me. He stops walking when he get to the place I was sitting the entire day.

"S-Shun... Look, I-I'm sorry." I reach out to him once he let's go of my arm.

"Why are you so mean?" He turns around and frowns. "You're never mean to me and yet you do that to Saiko!"

I bite my bottom lip in guilt. "I-I don't know... That's just how I am."

"No it's not!" He smacks my chest. "You're... You're kind and-and loving! Not some mean person!"

I lower my gaze, "Sorry... I guess being stranded is stressful. Then again, it's just as stressful for everyone."

Shun wraps his arms around my torso, nuzzling his head into my chest. "You kind of scared me... You've never blown up like that..."

I hug him close, "Sorry. I won't do it again."

"You better not or else you might go bad and join the Dark Reunion!" He pulls back and stares up at me worriedly.

I laugh, "Yeah right! I wouldn't leave you for the Dark Reunion."

"Really?" Shun stands on his tippy toes and studies my facial expression.

I chuckle. Leaning down, our lips connect.

"Hm!" Shun gasps into the kiss only to kiss back a moment later.

I pull away from him, staring into his ruby eyes. "You can't get rid of me, nor am I leaving."

Shun blushes, burying his face into my chest again. "You better not be lying!"

"I am not lying." I sway our bodies side to side.

"Then you'll stay with me forever right?"

"It's a promise!"

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