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Shun and I walked out of the theater with satisfied expressions. Why? It's because we just finished a badass action packed movie. The movie is called [random movie name].

"I still can't believe he didn't die! That man is so cool!" Shun continuously rambles about his favorite parts of the movie.

I laugh, "The cars they stole were real badass too."

"How much do you think those cars would cost in real life?" Shun asks curiously as we walk out of the building.

"Probably more than what I'm paying for rent." I shrug.

"Hmm... Whatever, those cars must have cost a lot!" He smiles.

"We still have some time, let's do the bet." I nudge his side.

Shun scoffs confidently, "There will be only one winner, and that shall be me!"

"Ha, yeah right." I stare challengingly at him.

She stares back, "It's embarrassing, everyone will think so too!"

"Looks like we have to find out! Let's go!" I grab his hand and run toward a more populated area.

"Okay!" I stop running, putting my hands on my hips. Looking over my shoulder, I see Shun dying. "Oh shoot. Are you okay?"

He gasps for air, "N-no! We ran for so I-l-long!"

"It's been like, ten minutes..." I mumble.

"Ten minutes too long!" He whines.

I laugh, "Sorry, sorry. Next time I'll stop for breaks."

"What do you mean, next time?! I don't want a next time!" Shun grips my shirt in annoyance.

"But think about it, we held hands the entire time." I smile.

"Ah-" he freezes in place.

"Hm? Shun?" I poke his forehead.

The suddenly, steam seeps from his face, "W-w-we- Ah! That's so embarrassing!"

"No it's not." I pinch his cheeks.

"Hmph! We'll find out soon enough!" Shun crosses his arms and turns his head away from me.

"Okay, okay." I look around for someone to ask. Then I see Saiki. There weren't any rules about talking to someone you know. "Saiki!"

I run up to him. He speeds up his pace. "Ah, wait! I just want to ask you one question! Saiki!"

Saiki reluctantly slows his pace. "What?"

"If I say this one sentence to you, will you tell me if it's embarrassing or not?"

Saiko sighs, "Make it quick."

I run my chin as I think for something to say. "Hmm... Saiki,"

His gaze doesn't falter.

I swing my arm around his shoulders and sigh, "Would you consider telling someone you want to be with them forever embarrassing?"

Saiki's pink brow twitches, "No. Not to someone like me."

"Thanks for answering, later pinky." I lightly punch hid shoulder before rushing back to Shun, who was still waiting at the spot I left him at.

"So? What did Saiki say?" Shun huffs.

I smile triumphantly. "Saiki said it wasn't embarrassing."

"What?! What did you tell him?"

"That's not important. The important thing is, I won the bet!" I wrap my arm around his shoulders and lead him in the direction of his house.

Shun sighs, "How can Saiki say it's not embarrassing?"

"Maybe because he isn't as embarrassed and nervous as you." I suggest.

"Hey, everyone gets embarrassed and nervous from time to time!" He argues.

I press my lips together, forming a line, "Well... Saiki doesn't seem like the guy to express any emotions. Its kind of creepy."

"Creepy?" Shun looks up at me in confusion. "I guess that could be creepy..."

"You know since it's getting late, I'll wait to cash in my 48 hour win." Gently, I place my lips on his forehead.

Shun blushes. "It's... It's not gonna be anything bad... Or weird, right?"

"I won't make you do anything you don't want to." I reply, pressing our foreheads together.

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