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I stand in front of Shun's door. I have no clue why I came running here, but I doubt Mom will think I came here. My tears have long since dried, but my eyes are puffy and red. Steadily, I take in a few breaths before knocking on the door. Plaster a smile. Everything is fine!

The door opens to reveal Sora, Shun's younger sister, "Yes? Oh, L/n-san. Are you here for Shun?"

I force a smile, "I'm just here to ask him for some help."

Sora scoffs, "I highly doubt he'll be any help... But he's in his room."

She steps aside to let me in. I give her a bow before stepping inside. Quickly, I slip my sneakers off and switch them with a pair of slippers in the basket on the ground. Sora shuts the door and walks off somewhere. Shun's mom peeks from around the corner with a wooden spoon.

"Ah! L/n-kun! What a surprise! Are you able to stay for dinner?" She smiles.

I let out a small laugh, "I'm always up to eating your food Mrs. Kaidou."

She giggles, "I'll let you know when it's ready then."

I give her an "okay" before heading upstairs to Shun's room. Should I just walk in or knock? I'll walk in. I stand in front of his door, hand on the knob. Pushing it down, I slowly open the door. I peek my head through the door and see Shun playing video games on his DS on the floor.

"Aw man! I died again." He whines. I chuckle quietly. Shun tenses up. Looks like I chuckled too loud. "I-I'm studying! I swear!"

I push through the door and smile down at him. "Yahoo!"

"M-m-m/n?! I didn't know you were coming!" He stands up, face shows confusion.

My foot pushes the door closed, while my hand turns off the lights. "I really wanted to see you, that's all."

It was already getting pretty dark. The sun is setting, so the room is hugged with oranges and yellows. Suddenly I realized I haven't even changed from my school uniform. Oops... I yank my green jacket off.

"Aren't you supposed... To be with your... Mom?" Shun's voice dims in volume each step I took. I stand in front of him.

I open my mouth to speak, but I start choking on my words. My tears slowly come back. "Ah..." I wipe my tears with the back of my hands.

"M/n... What... What happened?" Shun whispers. He doesn't hesitate to cup my face, his thumbs wiping my tears as they fell.

My left hand gently snaked around his waist, pulling him closer, while my right hand lays over his left hand, on my cheek. "I-it hurts..."

"What? What h-hurts?" Shun presses his forehead against mine.

"I... Told my mom I fe-fell in love with yo-you... She thinks i-its wro-wrong." I managed to say with minimum hiccups. "She doesn't love me..."

Shun's eyes widen in shock, "But... H-how? Why?"

"I... I don't know." I anwser weakly.

Shun moves his hands around my neck and pulls me into a hug, "I'm... I'm so sorry!"

I rest my head on his shoulder, both arms tightening around his waist, pulling him close. "Please don't leave me..." I mumbled.

"I promise... I promise I won't."

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