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Three weeks after confessing and everything is back to normal. Except for the fact that Kaidou blushes when ever we are together, talking, sitting, eating etc. The only person who knows about me and Kaidou is Mera. And probably Saiki because he keeps pushing us together... Is he psychic?Can he read minds? (Insert Saiki flinch) Nah. There's also another new student. Some rich kid named Saiko Metori. Apparently he transferred because of Teruhashi. He wants her to marry him. Lame.

"The hell are you looking at peasant?" Saiko glares. Right now, the gang is circling around Saiki because why not?

I roll my eyes, "Nothing gorilla face."

Kuboyasu snorts. "Damn."

Saiko rolls his eyes, "You're just jealous you don't have the money I have."

"How about you take your money and shove it up your-"

"L/n-kun, can you help me with this problem?" Teruhashi calls.

I look over at her and sigh. "Do it yourself woman."

"Ah... Okay, sorry." She mutters.

Saiko starts ranting about something, but I am completely distracted. I'm staring at Kaidou now. God he's adorable.

--After school--

"Ramen!" Nendou chants to Saiki.

"Aren, L/n! Let's get ramen!" Kaidou cheers.

Kuboyasu smiles, "Okay."

"Kaidou?" He looks back at me. "Don't you have to study for cram school?"

Kaidou freezes, "AH! I COMPLETELY FORGOT! Thank you for reminding me! My mom would have killed me if I failed cram school!"

"Kuboyasu, you go on ahead." I look into his eyes, challengingly.

He stares back and nods warily. "Alright."

Kaidou pauses, "Aren't you going too?"

"Why would I want to go if you aren't there?" I furrow my brows.

He blushes. "Um..."

"Come on. Let's start walking." I hold out my hand for him to take. He takes it. The two of us walk out of the classroom and down to the shoe lockers.

"Oh my gosh! L/n, right?" A brunette girl walks up to me and smiles.

I bite my lip and sigh. "Go away."

"Wow, you are mean." She giggles. "I like the mean guys."

"I don't care. I'm busy passing high school, so why don't you get pregnant somewhere else?" I slam my locker shut. The girl jumps in surprise.

She hesitates before walking way. "O-okay..."

"Huh? L/n what was that about?" I turn around and see Kaidou waiting by the exit.

"Oh nothing. Let's go." I walk past him.

"Ah! Wait!" He stumbles to catch up. "Are you sure it was nothing. You look upset."

I sigh. Looking over my shoulder, I smile, "I'm fine, just tired."


--Kaidou's home--

I follow Kaidou into his house for the second time.

"Mom I'm home! I have a friend!" He takes off his shoes.

His mom appears from around the corner in a yellow apron, "Welcome home. And nice to meet you young man, I'm Kaidou's mother."

I bow 90 degrees, "L/n M/n, it's a pleasure Kaidou-san."

"So what brings you here L/n-kun?" His mom questions curiously.

"Mom-" I cut him off.

"Oh, I'm here to help Kaidou study, if you don't mind." I smile.

Her eyes sparkle, "I'm glad my son has such a helpful friend! Would you like to stay for dinner?"

Kaidou tenses up, "Mooom!"

"What? It might get late, so I thought I might ask." She giggles.

"I can stay, if it's no trouble." I scratch the back of my head.

She smiles happily, "It's no trouble at all!"

"We'll be upstairs in my room." Kaidou grabs my wrist and drags me upstairs.

"I'll call you down when dinner is done!" Then she walks away.

Kaidou opens the door to his room and pulls me inside. He tosses his bag on the small table and sighs.

"If you wanted to hold my hand you could've just said so." I chuckle as I lightly tug my hand toward me.

He let's go of my wrist and blushes, "Sorry!"

I close the door before finding a spot on the ground, in front of Kaidou. I set my bag next to me and lean forward onto the table. "Gah! I'm so tired."

"Then why'd you say you wanted to help me study." Kaidou mumbles guiltily.

"Because," I bury my face into my arms as I feel my face heat up from embarrassment, "I wanted to be with you longer..."

He looks down at his hands, face already flushed red. "S-s-stop saying s-such em-m-m-mbarrass-ssing things!"

"I can't help it!" I look up at him. "It's... It's how I feel."

"H-hey... C-can I t-t-try someth-thing?" He squirms in place.

I immediately sit up, "Uh huh!"

"Wah! Don't look so curious!" He covers his face. "I'm too embarrassed!"

"You said you wanted to do something... So do it." I gulp.

He takes a deep breath before crawling over to me. I tilt my head in confusion as I watched him.

"Scoot back..." He mumbles. I nod in reply and scoot back.

He stands up, only to sit back down on my lap... Willing. His back wasn't facing me this time. He set his hands down on my shoulders. I unfold my legs, causing Kaidou to sit on the floor instead. His legs are out past my hips.

"K-kaidou..." I trail off.

He leans forward and lays his head on my chest. "Shun... C-call me S-Shun..."

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