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"Okay class. Does everyone know what to do?" The teacher asks. Everyone replies with a "yes" in sync.

Our teacher has given us a project to do with a partner. Sadly, no one was able to choose their own partners. Mera and Chiyo are partners. Takahashi and Saiki are partners. Nendou and Kuboyasu are partners. Teruhashi and I are partners. Kaidou and (random) are partners.

"Teacher." I tiredly raised my hand.

"Yes L/n?" The teacher sighs.

I look at Teruhashi boredly, "Can I switch partners with (random)? I don't think I deserve to be with Teruhashi-san."

"Huh... Okay?" The teacher hesitates.

Every guy in Teruhashi's fan club sheds a tear, "What a man!"

The bell rings.

"Class dismissed."

Kaidou scootes his desk over to mine, "Alright! Any ideas?"

I look at him boredly, "Nope."

Kaidou sighs, "Project is due next week, Thursday... Wanna hang at my place? We can think it over there."

"Okay." I stand up and grab my bag. "Let's get going then."

"Okay!" He grabs his bag and follows me out of the classroom.

"It feels weird not getting ramen after school." Kaidou laughs.

I smile, "Don't you have instant ramen?"

"Oh! I do, but it's not the same. Everyone else is not here." Kaidou shrugs.

I chuckled, "Then why didn't you invite them all over? I'm sure everyone wouldn't mind not doing their project today."

"Aw man!" He face palms. "Oh and we are here!"

Kaidou leads me through the gate and into his house. It's not a bad-looking house.

"Mom! I'm home!" He shouts.

"Welcome home sweetie!" His Mom replies happily.

He takes off his shoes and signals for me to do the same. "Lets go to my room and start."

"Okay." He leads me down the hall and up a flight of stairs. He opens the second door down on the right.

"Um... Make yourself comfortable." Kaidou lays his bag on his bed and sits down on the floor, where a short table stands.

I set my bag on the table and sit across from him. "What should we start with?"

"Umm... Well, all we have to do is make a brochure about an ancient Japanese city." Kaidou scratches his head. "Research should be first."

I open my bag and slide out my laptop. I thought I was gonna play games all day, but I actually need this today... "It's a good thing I brought this along with me then."

"That's a cool laptop!" Kaidou fawns.

"You have a laptop or computer?" I ask as I open the lid of the laptop.

He sighs, "Computer's downstairs... So no."

"Sit here. We can do it with mine." I scoot back and pat my legs.

Kaidou stares at me, taken aback at what I said. He averts his gaze and blushes, "I-i-i... I don't th-think that wi-will be necessary!"

"It's a partner project. What's the harm?" I shrug. Come ooooon! Wait. Holy BANANAS I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST-

"Okay! But don't- don't tell anybody or get any-any id-ideas!" He crawls from his spot over to me. His ruby-red eyes look into my e/c eyes, nervously before turning around and sitting down.

"Screens this way, Kaidou." I point at the glowing screen.

He crosses his arms and turns his body to face the screen. "I can't believe I, the Jet Black Wings, is doing this!"

"Just think about how it's for the project." I snaked my arms loosely around his waist and rested my chin on Kaidou's shoulder.

I feel Kaidou tense up from my action. He stutters to say something, but fails.

"Calm down. Nothing is gonna happen." I yawn.

"But-but," Kaidou takes a deep breath, "something IS happening! You're- you're doing this!"

"Is it because you're not used to stuff like this?" I nuzzled my head into his neck.

Kaidou laughs nervously. God, he's so innocent... I give him a quick kiss on his neck.

"L/n!" He jumps in surprise. H turns around to face me as he moves away from me. His back hits against the table. "Owie..."

"Are you okay?" I lean in to check, but Kaidou flinchs. He uses his arms to cover his reddened face. I sigh, "I'm... I'm sorry. I think I'll head home for today. I'm not feeling very well, so..."

He gulps, "Uh... Yeah. Don't forget-"

"Keep the laptop. Password is (random), start the research. I'll finish it tomorrow." I grab my bag and let myself out.

God damn it...

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