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It is officially winter. I was planning on staying home during the break, but of course, Mera calls.


I roll my eyes, "What?"

She giggles, "Oh, nothing much."

"If you have something to say, then say it." I sigh into the phone.

"I heard Kaidou is going to the shrine today." I can hear the smirk on her face grow.

I clear my throat, "If I go, will you leave me alone?"

"Probably not, but I'll try." She hangs up the phone.

I get up from my warm bed to get dressed for the freezing winds the outside holds.

"Oh! L/n, you're here too!" Teruhashi smiles sweetly. "Come here, everyone else is already praying!"

I walk over to her, "Did you pray yet?"

"Hm? Oh, no! Mera told me you were coming alone since she couldn't come with you." Teruhashi pouts.

My eyebrow twitches, "Is that so?"

"It's our turn!" She smiles.

I walk up to the shrine and watch as Teruhashi tosses a couple of coins into the trough before pulling on the red rope three times. She puts her hands together and prays. I copy her. I'm not the kind of person who would do this, but might as well blend in.

What to ask for... Ah! Kaidou! Wait! No, not Kaidou. I shouldn't think like that. Nevermind, I won't ask for anything.

I open my eyes and see Teruhashi looking at me. "What?"

"Oh, I was just wondering what you wished for." She smiles.

We walk down and away from the shrine. Teruhashi leads me to the other people she came with. And not to my surprise, it was Saiki and his group of friends, minus Chiyo and Kuboyasu.

"Oh! Buddy, when did you get here?" Nendou is the first to notice my presence.

"Not too long ago." I replied.

Kaidou stares at me, "Why were you with Teruhashi-san?"

"I saw him when I was in line, so i called him over." She explains with a smile. "I hope you guys don't mind, I didn't want him to be alone here."

"Oh." Nendou and Kaidou both say in unison.

Kaidou blushes, "Y-you're so nice!"

Teruhashi smiles, "It's what a friend would have done."

"Let's go to my pal's place and eat ramen!" Nendou pats Saiki's back.

"Wait, no." Saiki immediately rejects the idea.

Kaidou fist pumps the air, "Yeah! Christmas with Saiki!"

Teruhashi nods, "I agree. I'm sure his parents won't mind."

"Let's go!" Nendou leads.

"No. Wait." Saiki tries to call after them. He turns around and looks at me confused. "Are you not going?"

"You said wait." I shrug.

He stares at me blankly before sighing, "Good grief. It's already too late, let's catch up to them."

"Lead the way, Saiki."

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