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"A guy?" Mom sets her fork down, which still has a piece of cake on it due to the fact that she was about to eat it. "I... I'm not sure what to say."

I gulp, throat stinging as I did so, "Mom... I know you're upset about it, but please j-just hear me out..."

She doesn't say anything. She sets down some money and a tip before standing. "I suggest you finish that before you leave. It would be a waste."

I stare dully at the cake before my eyes. Not a single bite taken out of it, while my mother already finished half of hers during the conversation. Slowly, I take the fork that sits beside the plate and stab it into the cake. I don't even feel like eating it...

When I left the café, my mother was no where in sight. I didn't know where she would have went, so I just went home. I had a hunch about it. But I was hoping my hunch was wrong when I stood in front of the door. Sadly, my hunch was correct.

I stepped through the door way, shutting the door behind me once I was in the room. "M-mom?"

"M/n..." I hear her call my name. Her voice came from her room.

I walk over to the room, the door cracked open. I could see my mother sitting on her bed, staring at an old picture frame. Pushing open the door with my arm, I step into the room. "Mom? I..."

"Who is it?" I stare at her, eyes widened in caution. "Who took your heart?"


Her head lifts up to look at me, "Shun? You mean Kaidou-kun?"

Hesitantly I nod, "Y-yeah... Um, actually..."

Her face twists, "There's more?"

My jaw clenches, "Why do you hate it so much? I know you want grandchildren, but seriously? Mom, what happened to the "unconditional love" you always tell me mother's have for their children? I'm not feeling it right now."

"Because-- because what you're doing is wrong! You just can't love another guy!" She screams. Tears fell from her e/c eyes.

My heart pounds against my chest, echoing to my ears, "Why the hell not?! You said love has no bounds! Unpredictable! So why the hell is this wrong?"

"The gods created us to love the opposite sex! That's how it works!" She grips the frame in her hands.

"Times change! Why can't you accept it?! Why can't you accept me?!" Hot. Burning hot tears overflow from my eyes.

Mom wails. She's fighting with herself too. "I... I want to accept you, but it's wrong! How can you?"

"I just want you to love me the way I am! You're gone for four years, and now you're back, judging me because I tell you I fell in love with a guy?!" I hold in my sobs. "That's not the mother I want. The mother I need..."

She drops the frame and covers her mouth. "M-m/n! I-I'm... I!"

I can't hear anymore. I don't want her to apologize. I want her to tell me she loves me. That she accepts me. That's all I want. Taking the chance, I bolt out of her view. Slamming the door open, I run. Not clue where, but I just want to calm down for a while.

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