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Shun's mom calls us down for dinner a few moments later. My tears are dried, again, but my eyes are still red and puffy.

"Hey Shun." I whisper to him. We are currently setting the table. "Did you ever tell your mom about us?"

His shoulders tense up, "I'm scared to now because of you, well your mom."

I sigh, but smile, "Your mom is nothing like mine. Just tell her."

"I don't know..." Shun sets down the last plate and crosses his arms.

"I can be there, holding your hand, if you want me to." I laugh.

His face flushed red, "Shut up!"

"Hey now, you didn't have a problem earlier when you-" Shun threw a napkin at my face.

"You w-were crying, what else was I su-supposed to do?"

"Pat my head and say "Everything's gonna be oooookay!"" I gave him a smile and an "okay" sign.

He puffs his cheeks down, "W-whatever!"

Shun's mom walks in and smiles, "Alright! Dinner time!"

"Thanks for the food Mrs. Kaidou!" I call to her as I follow Shun upstairs again.

She giggles, "I'm glad at least SOMEBODY enjoys my cooking!"

Shun groans, "Mooom!"

"Don't groan at me! Now you both get ready for bed! Lights out at nine! Thirty!" She pauses before saying thirty.

Shun and I give her an "okay" before rushing to his room.

"Did you really not like the food? It was so good!" Once the door closes behind me, I hug Shun from behind.

"You only liked it because all you eat at your place are omeletes!" Shun rolls his eyes.

I trail kisses down his neck to his collarbone, "You're not wrong."

He shivers, "You seem to be in a better mood."

"Only because of you." I nuzzle his cheek.

"You're so embarrassing!" He slouches over and uses hos hands to hide his face.

Laughing, I lift him up and toss him onto his bed. "But you know you like it when I say things like that."

Shun grabs the baby blue blanket and covers his face with it. "N-no I don't!"

I crawl on top of him, kissing the tip of his ear and his cheekbone. "Just admit it. No one is judging."

He removes his face from the blanket and stares up at me, red eyes matching the deep blush that covers his cheeks. "No..."

I give him a only lips smile, "Fine, but one day you'll admit you liked it."

Shun huffs, "L-lets get ready for b-bed..."

"Hm. Oh we still have school tomorrow don't we?" I move to the side and sit against the wall.

Shun nods, "So you can shower first. I can c-check if I have any clothes that fit you."

"Okay... Before or after?"

"Huh?" Shun sits up, staring at me in confusion.

"You know, before the shower or after? Are you gonna look for clothes before I shower or after?" I rub my chin.

Shun cups his cheeks, "I'll just... Just..."

"Just sneak them into the bathroom. I don't mind." I kiss his forehead before getting off the bed.

"A-ah... Um, towels are already in there, s-so..." He mumbles.

"Okay. I'll see you after then." I walk out of the room and head to the bathroom.

Shun sits on his bed. Hair drenched in water from his shower. His eyes are closed, but his face is flushed red.

"Shun." I call out his name.

Shun tenses, "Yes?!"

My eyes widen at his voice crack, "A-are you okay?"

He nods vigorously. "FiNe!"

I sigh, "What's wrong? Did I do something?"

Shun turns to look at me. I'm just sitting on the floor, arm resting on the small coffee table in his room. "W-where is your sh-sh-shirt?"

I blush, "W-well... Your shirt was too small... S-so I took it off?"

"I can't believe this! Its so embarrassing!" He gasps. "What if someone walks in and see you like that?"

"I am a guy, so they shouldn't really be AS embarrassed as you." I scratch the back of my head. "Also, why are you so embarrassed? You're a guy too, you dork."

He puffs his cheeks out, "I-I-I-I do-don't know wh-what you're t-t-t-talking about!"

"So you aren't a guy?" I question him, teasingly.

"I'm a guy!" He snaps. "I'm not embarrassed! Nope! Not at all!"

I laugh. "Then you won't mind me..."

I pin him to the bed. His eyes bludge out of his sockets in shock. His legs are hanging off the bed and his arms are clutching the blanket below him.

"W-wait a m-m-moment!" He breathes out.

I laugh, "What? I'm not going to do anything to you, you know that right?"

He blushes, "I-I know! B-but s-someone might s-see!"

I kiss him lightly on the lips before getting off. "They won't see anything, Shun."


"Unless you want them to. Because I'm okay with whatever you want." Gently, I run my hands through his hair.

He leans his head against my hand, "I'd rather not... It's... It's too embarrassing."

I chuckle, "You're always embarrassed."

I watch Shun shuffle around on the bed. Moving the blanket and fluffing up the pillows. He lies down next to the wall.

"You... You can turn o-off the l-lights wh-when you're ready..." He mumbles.

My hand hits the switch, turning the lights off, as I climb into the bed beside him. Shun faces the wall.

"You're acting as if we haven't slept together before." I play with his baby blue locks.

"I..." Shun turns to face me, eyes not meeting mine. I place my hand on his cheek.

"I'm kidding. It's alright." I snicker.

He blushes, "T-too bad."

Shun moves close and buries his face into my bare chest. I can feel the heat coming from his body, mainly his face. Smiling, I wrap my arms around him.

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