Challenge - Kyo Sohma

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You look up from the book you were researching through for a project in history in the library to see Tohru Honda, your closest friend approaching you.

''Tohru-san,'' you said sitting up. Tohru sat on the empty chair opposite you and said softly, ''I got permission to bring you over at You-Know-What for dinner. Are you free on Friday night?'' .''Friday night is usually the time I go to the theatre but I think I could go. What time?'' . ''Well, please be there before 7.'' said the brown haired. You nodded and answered, ''No problem,'' .Tohru says You-Know-What because she doesn't want anyone to know that she's staying with the Sohmas yet.

The following night...

You saw out the window of your room where you were studying. There were rain of showers, which reminded you of your past.

I can't remind myself about it...

You heard a soft 'nya' sound from your feet. You look down to see your Scottish fold, Hime.

(Aika/Bobby:Nya is meow for Japanese. And the Scottish fold is the second most popular cat breed in Japan)

''Hey,'' you said softly picking Hime up and putting your cheek on Hime's bending your head, ''how have you been?'' . Hime gave another nya.

I wonder how the poor strays outside survive in extreme weather like Winter and Fall...

You love cats so much, you even cry at thinking of the poor cat strays outside. Yet, if you saw a stray on the way back from grocery shopping, you would give them some of the dry food you bought for Hime. And yes, you knew about the curse of the Sohma family. Yuki trusted you in keeping it instead of erasing your memory.

On Friday night...

(Aika/Bobby:I bet you know the song 'Last Friday Night(T.G.I.F)' by Katy Perry)

''Kay-chan! Glad you could come!'' Tohru came running to the door of the house along with Yuki and Kyo. You tried to keep your eyes away from Kyo's orange-red eyes. You just gave your well-known smile and nodded. Yuki went to Tohru's side and said, ''Dinner will be ready in half an hour or one. And yes, my cousin Shigure is cooking.''

A pretend cough came out while it was supposed to be a little roaring laugh. You experienced his perverted side once while you were there.

''Where's Kyo?''

''As usual, sulking. You know him,'' said Yuki, who always get into rows with Kyo. Liking Kyo does not mean you're away from Yuki's side. You're on your own side, as you call it. In your opinion, Kyo Sohma is attractive in a very weird way. You followed Tohru and Yuki into the house and let you on your own. You took a peep in the kitchen where Shigure was by the gas stove with Kyo sitting by the small table. You exclaim in swoon softly.

I so wish I could experience his soft side...

Ah, yes, you know about Kyo's hidden soft side.

I just wish he would open up a little...

''Miss Ford,'' you jumped at the voice. You turned to see Yuki with a suspiscious face, ''What are you doing?'' .

''Just wandering around,'' you said, trying to hide the feelings and expressions towards Kyo.Yuki gave back another face and said, ''I hope you don't mind me asking but did you say once that you liked Kyo?''.

No use hiding it anymore, Kay...

You sighed before saying, ''Yes. But please don't tell him yet,'' . ''What do you mean byyet?''

''Never mind,'' you said. Yuki got his smile back and said, ''Do spend some time with us before you leave,'' . ''Sure,'' you said, smiling before entering the kitchen.

''Ah, Kay, glad you came,'' said Shigure, turning to you. Instead of answering you sat down near Kyo to watch Shigure.

Later after dinner...

Since you finished first, you went of wandering in the woods for a while before going back to the house. You sensed someone's presense behind you, causing thee to stop.

(Aika/Bobby:Saying 'you' twice might make me look like I have bad English so I used 'thee' which is old-fashioned' for 'you')

Before making a move, a tall familiar figure appeared in front of you in a heartbeat.

''Kyo, you gave me a heart attack,'' you sighed, touching your bosom where your heart is. You widen your blue eyes at Kyo saying, ''Sorry,''.

''Uh, Kyo...''


''Can you show me your hidden soft side?''

''WHAT!?'' yelled Kyo. You turned around pulling a mischievous face and said, ''I wanted to experience it. You've been hiding that side all the time. I really like thee, you know. I just want to make sure I' not wrong about you. I want you to accept me. Seeing your temper looks like you don't care for anyone,'' . You knew Kyo watched shocked by this. Reacting like it never happened, he walked to your front and kissed you on the lips, which made you widen your eyes. You smiled, with the orange-head smiling back and saying, ''This should show my hidden side enough,'' .

On 'purpose', you grabbed Kyo, causing him to transform.

''What the hell was that?'' asked the cat-Kyo, pissed off.

You picked up the orange cat and said, ''I liked your cat form. I have to admit that you'reway cuter that way,'' . At that, the cat-form Kyo blushed and struggled to let go. You picked up his clothes and ran back to the house before he transforms back.

''Ah, there you are, Yuki and I were about to start looking for you,'' said Shigure as you ran in the house, smiling, ''and I see you hugged your beloved Kyo!''


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