Chapter 1; New Begining...Or not

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          I woke up as I could feel the sun on my face, I went down stairs to have breakfast, I heard my phone rung, I stood up and the caller was 'Jade' she is my best friend who was currently living in Mystic Falls while I'm here in Paris enjoying everything. I aswered as she squealed in my ear, "We have new neighbors" she said, I rolled my eyes as she continued "They are all gorgeous men!, They are throwing a 'welcoming ball' to acquaint with the others, We're invited, so please come home, Besides it's my 19th birthday in 2 days!!" I agreed but I was hesitant because everytime I hear the name 'Mystic Falls' my past comes back and haunts me. By the way I'm Victoria,

Victoria Petrova

Sounds familar? Yeah, I am related to Katrina Petrova, How? She's my descendant and close friend. I haven't seen her in like, 200 years! We separated because she said she just need some time alone, after that? We haven't spoken to each other since then....


Well.... I edited it! Was it better or tiribble?




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