Chapter 23; In Love With Kol

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Victoria's POV

"He's Jade's ex- boyfriend" From the moment I said that I mentally slapped myself. "What?!?" Kol yelled sitting in front of me. He cared? I looked deep in his eyes "Well...well...well.. You turned it back on" I teased him then smirked.

"Oh. Shut up" He said then rolled his eyes. " Don't do my signature eye roll" I smirked at him. "Don't do my signature smirk" He said mimicking me then rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Where's Jade?" I asked him. "In the guest room, sleeping " He said. "Oh. Okay..I'll just check on her" I said then stood and started to walk away then Kol flashed in front of me. I raised an eyebrow, "What?" I said coldly.

"How do you know Dylan?" He asked. "I don't have time to play 20 questions with you" I said then brushed past him but he grabbed my wrist hardly. "Tell me" He demanded then squeezed my wrist harder. "OKAY! Fine." I went to get herbs and put up a burning sage, so Jade won't hear us.

"I met Jade when she was 12 years old. We were neighbors and since I moved there we've been friends. By the way, I was in California at that time. When she was 13, her parents died in a car crash. So, she needed a legal gurdian. I volunteered and adopted her. When she was 15, She was at a party, I saw her talking to a werewolf boy, Dylan. I observed and listened to their conversation from a distance. They were flirting and being all sweet. She developed feelings for him as well as he. There was a day that Jade went back home from school, she was with Dylan. He was asking permission if he could date my 'daughter' I hesitated and looked in his eyes. All I saw was love and honesty when he said he loved Jade. So, I trusted him and allowed them to date." Kol cut me off

"Why did they break up?" He asked desperately. "Well...actually...they didn't" Again Kol cut me off "what?!?" He yelled. "WAIT! LET ME FINISH!" I yelled then he sat back. "Okay. Uhhh. It was their 1st year aniversary. Jade got all pretty and I helped her with everything. We had a sister relationship. Not a mother-daughter one. So she went off. She came back hours later, with tears in her eyes. I asked her what happened. She said 'He-he's GONE!' She yelled and kept crying over my shoulder. I asked her how..and she said the police found his body in the woods and said it was an 'animal attack'. I helped her move on, and I sent her to Mystic Falls." I finished

They stared at me. "Umm. Any questions?" I asked. "What did you think of him?" Rebekah asked. Oh I forgot to mention she is also here. "Oh..uhh.. He's nice, caring, protective, down to earth, he has nice eyes, loving and loyal" I said with a smile. "So he's perfect." Rebekah stated. "Haha. I guess" I said laughing.

"I'll go and change clothes" I said then walked upstairs. Showered, changed then I hopped on my bed. I was sharing a room with Rebekah...


Next Morning

I woke up and did what I usually do. Shower, change, curl my hair and apply light make up. I went downstairs and called Damon. Damn! I haven't talked to him since I said goodbye.

"Hey Dam-Dam!" I yelled on the phone

"Vic? HI! How are you? Is everything okay?" He asked happily at the same time worried

"I'm here in Mystic Falls" I stated

"RIGHT NOW? Where?" He asked excitedly

"Mikaelson Mansion. Actually, I arrived yesterday, I was tired so I didn't have time to call you. Do you mind coming over?" I asked

"Sure. What for?" He asked.

"I'm baking brownies and blueberry muffins. And I'll make pancakes. So, you're helping me" I said

"Be there in 3 minutes" He hung up

Minutes Later. He arrived and pulled my into a bear hug. "As much as I want to hug you all day, we have breakfast to make" I said then giggled. I pulled back from the hug. "Right. Let's go make your special brownies and mouth watering blueberry muffins!" He said excitedly then sped to the kitchen.

We started mixing the batter for the muffins. He flicked some of the batter
on my shirt. "Hey! Stop that." I smiled. He did it again, but this time it landed on my hair. LOTS OF IT. "OH..It's on!" I yelled then took a spoon and filled it with batter and flicked it on his face. I laughed and ran out of the kitchen. He sped and grabbed me by the waist then slammed me on the wall then he threw flour in my face "Please! Stop.." I begged while laughing loudly. He grabbed my waist then tickled me. "DAMON!" I yelled still laughing hysterically. By the way. We were at the floor in front of the kitchen. "Say Damon Salvatore is the sexiest man I've ever met, I love him so much and I'm sincerely sorry for throwing batter in your face" He ordered and continued tickling me. "NO! I don't want to lie" I joked and he tickled me harder. I laughed very loud and begged him to stop.

Then someone cleared their throat. I looked up to see Nik and Kol. We stood up immediately. "Oh..Umm. Hey!" I said pretending nothing happened. "Wait until Rebekah sees the kitchen. If I were you, I would clean that up" Nik said to both of us. "Yes, We will" I looked at Damon. We cleaned up and made a fresh batch of muffins. I gave a basket full of it to Damon. "Here. Say hi to Stefan and for me" I said then kissed his cheek. He nodded then left.

I put the pancakes, muffins and brownies on the table. I put a tray and filled it with chocolate waffles, muffins and pancakes and also, hot choco. Kol was reaching for a chocolate waffle on the tray, I slapped his hand away. "No, that's for Jade" I said then he frowned. "She's gonna be down soon. Please for the love of God! Behave" I told Nik and Kol. Elijah left earlier. And Rebekah was with Matt. Both of them nodded their heads. "Good" I said then Jade walked down the stairs.

"Good Morning!!!" I said energetically to remove the awkwardness. "Sit down" I smiled at her. "What's all the noise earlier?" She asked. "Oh. Damon and I got into a food fight". I stated then she nodded her head. "Eat" I said. "I'm not-" I cut her off. "Sure you are! Eat. Come on...I put a lot of effort in it" I said trying to convince her. "Okay" She said. Score 1 for me! "I'll go and get something, Nik, Help me get it" I said. I gave him a look that said 'leave them alone for a bit' he got it then stood up then followed me to the garden.

Kol's POV

Nik and Victoria left us, clearly wanting to give us time to talk. "Kol...I-I'm sorry... I didn't know what came over me" Jade said with tears streaming down her face. "NO. You said you DIDN'T LOVE ME ANYMORE! I HEARD THAT JADE! AND IT HURT" I yelled at her.

"I-I..." She continued sobbing. Rebekah came in. "Still fighting?" She asked. She walked over to Jade and looked in her eyes deeply. "I am going to ask you some questions and you're going to answer them honestly" Rebekah compelled her and she nodded. I didn't stop her. "Do you love still Kol?" She began. "Yes" Jade answered. A breath of relief came down to me. I thought she was done, but I was wrong.

"Are you still IN LOVE with Kol?" She asked. "No" Jade answered.

I turned it off again.


A/N: OUCH! Jade's a bitch!

What will happen to Jade and Kol?

Will Kol meet Dylan?

When? Where?

How about Victoria? Will Kol get back with her?

Find Out on the next chapter of:

*****Flaming Desire*****

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Love you all🌸


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