Chapter 20; Always & Forever

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Victoria's POV

"Is that my journal?!?" I asked angrily.

I yanked it from her hands. "What the hell?!?! Why were you reading my journal from the 10th century?! " I was angry. "I-I'm sorry..." She apologized. "LOOK, if you want to know something about me you could just asked! Not just go into my room and flip pages through my JOURNAL!" And with that I stormed out.

She was lucky, I only screamed at her face. If she wasn't my friend, I would've ripped her heart out.

Besides, I knew she was reading my journal because she wanted to find out more about my past relationship with Kol...BITCH!

5 hours later

I walked in the house. "I'm HOME!" I yelled, in a flash Elijah was in front of me. "Marie, Jade wants to talk to you....If you don't mind" He said. "Actually, I do" I walked away but he grabbed my wrist. "Just please hear her out, she is in the study room" He pleaded. "Alright! FINE!" I stormed in the living room.

I walked in the study. I saw Kol and Jade there. "I'm out" Kol grabbed my wrist. "Really?!? What's with everyone grabbing my wrist?!?" And he let go.

"Hear her out" He said. "She read my journal, That's the time I met you, talked to you and fell for you! Every shed of emotion I felt within those years, she read it!" I yelled at him with tears streaming down my face. "I'm so sorry..." Jade pleaded.

I finally calmed down... "You know what? It already happened. them if you want. I just overreacted." I handed her my journal. "Just put it back in the crate when you're done. DON'T read anything else, except for the one I gave you" I said. She nodded and a walked out of the room.

Kol followed me out to the garden. I laid down on the soft grass. "I can't do this anymore" I said. "Do what?" He asked. "Pretend that everything is going to be okay, Clearly, everything's a wreck." He laid beside me. "Then don't hold back your tears. Let it all out" He said. "I can't. Because once I release all of it, I'm afraid that I won't be able to stop." I said.

"Remember this?" I pulled out the locket that's been tucked in my chest so they won't see it.

---Flashback--- (1 day Before Mikael came back)

"Kol, You know I hate surprises" I chuckled. I was blindfolded and Kol was leading me somewhere. "We're almost there, sweetheart" He whispered sweetly in my ear. He took the blindfold off.

"Oh..This place is so beautiful" I said. We were in a garden with wonderful lightings and at the center was a table for us. We sat down. "Happy Anniversary" He said and stood up. He moved my hair out of my neck and he clasped a locket on my neck. "Take a look at it" He said.

"Ohhh...Kol! This is wonderful. The locket has 'MVM' and at the back carved 'Always and Forever'. "What does MVM stand for?" I asked confused. "Marie Victoria Mikaelson" He replied "Marie Victoria Petrova, Will you marry me?" He said as he kneeled and pulled out a small box from his pocket revealing a wonderful ring...

"YES, YES! A billion times yes!" Said with tears streaming down my face. I can't believe it! I'm going to be Mrs.Mikaelson! He slid the ring on my finger and Kissed me passionately.

We went home to tell everyone the great new, When we got there everyone was panicking. "There you are! We were so worried!" Rebekah said and she hugged me. "What has happened?" I asked with concern. "Mikael is back" Nik said.

(You know the rest. They run. They leave Victoria in Paris so she can be safe from Mikael...blah....blah...blah)

---End Of Flashback---

"You kept that?" I nodded." How long has it been around your neck?" He asked. "Since the day you gave it to me. I never really took it off" I said "But now I will." I took to locket off and spelled it and removed my initials on the locket. "There. Give it to her. 'Jade Anne Mikaelson' It suits her" I said with tears clouding my eyes.

"Vict-" I cut him off

"She deserves you, Kol. I don't. I need to move on and I just have to let you go...I can't do that if I always see you.. I need to leave. When I do, I want you to live the life you had and the life you had with Jade before I came back, 'Cause, let's face it...I'm ruining your relationship...I'm the reason why you fight all the time. Even though it sucks and it hurts, I have to move on and let go.... Just remember one thing, I love you, Always & Forever." Tears were streaming down my cheeks uncontrollably.

I gave him the locket and kissed him on the cheek. "Who knows? In 10 years time we will see each other again....Happy and had moved on." I pulled a letter out of my pocket. "This is the letter you wrote for me, When you were saying sorry for leaving me and I will come back to you someday. And I did...but it's not the way You or I expected...I didn't even plan it. It just happened...I saw how happy you are with Jade, Maybe, that is nature's way of telling us, we are not meant for each other. Goodbye Kol"

I stood up leaving him in the garden, I packed my bags and went out. "Where are you going?" Elijah asked blocking my way. "Back to Paris" I said with tears on my face. "What happened?" He asked. " I need to move on and let go...and the only way to do that is if I left." I said.

"Marie, Do-" I cut him off. "Elijah...I know that you're in love with me...but you are too good for me... You are a wonderful person...caring, loving, protective, but I just can't-" He cuts me off

"You just can't feel it" He said "Just please...give me time" I said and he nodded.

Rebekah and Nik are coming this way...
Rebekah knew that I was leaving.

"Niklaus...I am so sorry...but I have to leave" I said. "NO! You're not going anywhere! We just got you back!" I yelled and I pulled him into a tight embrace. "Shhh...I know...I know....I am not completely out of your lives...I just need time to move on..You can come and visit me...I am going back to Paris." I said crying. "I can't loose you again" Nik said with teary eyes. "You won't. Niklaus...Look at me.. You are the bravest original I have ever met! Everyone thinks you're so bad...I don't. You can call me everyday... And tell me how your day went on...I just need time for myself" I said and kissed his cheek.

"Hey Bex! Make sure you call me EVERYDAY! And update me on your relationship status with MATT!" I joked and gave her a long embrace. "I will come back. I promise" I said and drove off.


A/N: Victoria left!

I was crying while writing this!

She was engaged to Kol! Ha! You didn't see that coming did you? Haha!

Will that be that moment of Kol and Victoria? You'll see...

Time Jump on the next chapter of:

*****Flaming Desire*****

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