Chapter 29; I Enjoy Your Company Most

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(Pic of their party dresses)

Victoria's POV

"Jade slept with Elijah" Rebekah said sadly.

"S-she what!?!" I stuttered. I can't believe her! First, Dylan and now, Elijah! AND what pisses me off is ELIJAH! When did Elijah start sleeping with other women?! SERIOUSLY?! Should I tell Kol? Or leave it be?

"You know, what? I'll let her play her little game" I told Rebekah with an evil smile. "That's creepy" She said and we laughed. "Come on. Let's go to bed" I told her and we hopped into bed.


Next Morning

I woke up to the sun rays on my face. I sat up and did the usual.

I went downstairs to see Kol and Jade flirting on the couch. I walked around the house, Elijah was no where to be found. I sped back to the living room. "Hey, have any of you seen Elijah?" I asked the love birds. "He left early" Jade replied. "How did you know?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

Wow...this 'pretend you don't know anything' game, I suck at it.

"I saw him leave" Jade replied. "Okay, I'm going to the grill. Jade, do you mind calling me once Elijah is home?" I asked her. "No I won't mind" She replied and I smiled at her.

Doing the Fake Smile again. "Alright, bye" I waved and got out.

GOD! I want to rip off her head right now! Why in the world did they sleep with each other!? Wait- you know what? I'm not going to tell Kol.

I cursed under my breath on my thoughts.



I bursted into the doors a little too loud, earning stares from people. I walked over to Damon and sat beside him.

"Why so grumpy today?" He asked giving me a shot of whiskey. "My life sucks" I told him and downed my drink. "Wanna tell me what happened?" He asked. "Nah, let's just get drunk!" I told him.

74 shots later...

I got a text from Jade.

Elijah's home- Jade

Alright.. Be there in 5-Vic

"Hey Damon!!" I yelled "I'm going home! Okay?" I continued. "YEAH! SURE!" He yelled.

How is he drunk? He's a vampire?



I walked in the house I yelled "I'M HOME!" and in a flash, Elijah was in front of me.

"There you are, dear. I was told you wanted to speak to me?" He asked. "Yes, I do. I just wanted to catch up. Come, walk with me" I told him and linked my hand on his arm and sped to the woods.


"So, what happened when I was gone?" I asked casually. "Nothing intresting" He replied. LIAR!

"Oh? Is that so?" I asked with annoyance in my voice. He nodded. I looked at him in disbelief. "Okay, we must go back" I told him walking away.

I CAN'T BELIEVE HE IS LYING TO ME! so much for being the noble one.



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