Chapter 11; It Hurts Damon

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Victoria's POV

When I woke up, I decided to borrow some of Rebekah's clothes. I went to her room

"Bex!" I shouted

"What?!?" She was in the bathroom

"I'll borrow some clothes! Okay?" I replied still yelling

"Okay! Just pick anything you like!" She yelled back

I chose a purple tank top, the leather jacket Damon gave me and black leggings for shoes I wore my knee high black leather boots and black cardigan

I went to the bathroom and showered. When I got out, I blowed dry my hair, combed it then curled it. I went down stairs.

"Good morning, love" Nik said

"Oh.. Hi...Good Morning!" I said

"Come and eat breakfast with me"

"You actually eat human food?" I asked

"Well of course, love" he said smirking

I looked at the table full of food!

Ice cream, waffles, pancakes, hot chocolate and of course, mash potatoes

Heaven on Earth.

"Wow...." I said

"Too much?" He asked

"Not at all.." I sat down

When I started eating, Nik spoke

"So how did you take the little scene last night?" He said

"Ah...that..." I said

"Uh...awkward...depressing....stupid....unbelievable....imbecile....wrong...hmm... What else...oh! Lack of faith....lack of trust in your bestfriend! In short... A COMPLETE MISTAKE!" I yelled

" need to yell.." He said

"'re right.." I started to calm down

"Are you going to the Annual Decade Dance?" He asked

"Of couse! I promised Damon!"

My phone rang. Damon.

"Heyy!" I said

"Hi, I wanted to stop over the Mikaelson's, I am going to give you something." He said

"Really?!? What is it?" I asked excitedly

"You'll have to wait" He said

"Awww! But...ple-" he hung up

"Uh..Nik, Damon will be coming over, tell him I'm in the library!" I skipped away

As I went to the library, I went to find 'Pride & Prejudice' book

I found it sat on the armchair where Elijah always sits. Again, It's so comfy!

Then Kol walked in...He wasn't wearing a shirt! Seriously?!? Why?!!?

"Morning." I said with my eyes glued to the book

"Good Morning, what are you doing here?" He asked

"Reading a book" I said with a 'duh' tone

"No, I mean in the house" He said

"Oh. I slept here last night" I said

But before he can respond the door opened.. Damon was here...I heard his footsteps towards the library. And opened the door

"Damon!" I said excitedly then hugged him

"Now! Where's the 'thing' you're giving me..." I demanded

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