Chapter 32; Your Mother Loves You

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Victoria's POV

It's been 4 days since Kol left. Elijah and Jade are ready to break the sire bond. Right now, Elijah, Jade and I are down at the cells in the boarding house.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked Jade while I chain her in one of the cells in case she runs or tries to hurt me. "Yes, I'm sure" She said confidently .

"Alright. Let me just go over this again. You are going to break every single bone in your body and might cause hallucinations while I'm doing the spell. Again, I'll ask you, Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Yes, Very sure" she replied. "Okay..Here it goes..." I said and slit her and Elijah's wrist and blood swirled in the bowl. I started chanting and lights flickered and windows broke.

When I was done, I gave the bowl to Jade and Elijah. Jade was the only one to break bones because she was the one sired to him.

"Drink it" I told her. She hesitated for a while but drank it. She started coughing and I heard bones breaking and she started screaming in pain. I looked at her with pity and shut the cellar door and Elijah and I watched from the outside.

"I hate that she has to go through this pain because of me. If I hadn't give her my blood, s-" Elijah started but I cut him off "You've done nothing wrong, Elijah...Well...except for the sleeping with her part." I said trying to cheer him up and it worked! I know it would. Ha, Damon's cockiness is rubbing off me.

"You never fail to make me smile, Victoria" He said smiling. He called me Victoria. "Hmm...What's with the name changing..You used to call me Marie!" I jokingly whined.

"I thought you might like it because everyone seems to call you Victoria" He said looking at me confused. "No, I think I like it better when you call me Marie. It's unique and I appreciate that you kept calling me Marie since the first time we seen each other again. Besides, you're the only left one who still calls me that " I said smiling brightly.

"So, I guess I'll keep on calling you Marie" He said looking at me. "Yeah, I would like that" I said. We completely forgot about Jade. She had stopped screaming and had not made a single movement

"Give me your hand" I told Elijah and he placed his hand on my palm. "The energy is gone. The bond has been lifted" I told him. I ran in the cellar and unchained Jade while Elijah carried her bridal style cause she was unconscious and we sped to the mansion.

Elijah carried her up to her room. Rebekah sped in front of me. "What happened? Did you break it?" She asked. "Well...Jade passed out due to exhaustion and Yes, I broke it" I told her as she nodded. "I have to meet Matt at the grill. Is that alright?" She asked which got me confused.

"Of course. He's your boyfriend. Why did you have to ask for permission?" I asked her. "I just figured the past 4 days have been hard for you and you need someone to talk to" She told me and I can't help but smile at this. Rebekah cared for me so much that he would ditch a date for me.

"Just go. I'll be fine" I told her and gave her a hug. "Just remember that I'm always here if you need to talk, okay?" She said as we pulled away. "Bekah, if I had a dollar for everytime you tell me that, I'd be rich" I joked and made her giggle.

"It's true though" She said smiling widely. "I know...Now go! lover boy must be waiting for you" I told her and she smiled for the last time and sped away.

Elijah walked downstairs with a sad look on his face. "What's wrong?" I asked tilting my head to the side. He reached the bottom of the stairs where I was standing. "I feel different" He told me. "Different?" I asked confusingly.

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