Chapter 9; Were You Attracted To Any Of Them?

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Kol's POV

After they left, it was just me and Jade.

"What happened? How did she-" she couldn't finish, she was so frightened on what Katherine did.

"Jade look at me..." She did what I said

"I am going to explain everything, okay? Just come with me.." I said

She just nodded... I was surprised, she didn't even freak out

We drove to the mansion, when I opened the door and went to the living room, they were all there. My siblings, Victoria and Katherine... All staring at us with confused looks. Rebekah spoke up.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Rebekah asked Jade angrily

"Guys..." Victoria said. Trying to stop them. Jade was shaking...

"Oh..look...Who the cat dragged in..what are you doing here?!?" Katherine said as she stepped closer to Jade.

"Guys.." There was Victoria again

"Why did you bring "THAT" bitch with you?!?" Rebekah asked in a rude tone

"GUYS! SERIOUSLY! STOP!" Victoria yelled

Victoria's POV


That got their attention.

"Now..Why are you here?" I asked Jade nicely

"Um..uh.." She couldn't answer, she was so scared

Of what? And on cue, she asked

"W-why were y-you so s-strong?" She asked Katherine

"She wants to learn, what we are. I'm not going to lie to her anymore" Kol said

"Ohh...Ummm okay...Have a seat" I said politely

"What?!? You approve of this?!?" Rebekah yelled

Me, Nik and Elijah nodded


"Then, I'll kill her" Nik said

"Nik..." I said glaring at him

"What? Fair enough, right?" He asked

they all nodded except for me and Kol

"You are not going to kill her" I said

"We won't if she won't tell anyone" Katherine said with a smirk

"Fine" I said

"WHAT? Did you just agree?!?" Kol yelled at me

"Yeah. You just have to learn to trust her" I said pointing at Jade

"I do trust her" he said

I glared at him

"Good. Now..we have a deal?" Rebekah said we all nodded

"Okay seat down." They all did what I said

Kol was sitting next to Jade, Rebekah was in between Kat and Nik. While I was sitting beside Elijah on the huge armchair. It was the most comfortable chair in the house. So... I called dibs! But Elijah was already sat there (not that I'm complaining) so I decided to sit beside him

"So! What do you want to know?" i asked

"Is Elijah your boyfriend?" She asked, REALLY? SERIOUSLY?!?

"Uh...I meant, questions about what we are.... But to answer your question, No he isn't" I smiled awkwardly

" would look good as a couple" She said. UGH! PLEASE! THIS IS SO AWKWARD!

Flaming Desire ❥Elijah and Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now