Chapter 14; I Dreamed About Him

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Victoria's POV

I woke up and I saw Elijah, his hands were wrapped securely on my waist.

Then my phone started to buzz,
I groaned and Elijah woke up.

"TORI!" I heard Rebekah yell from downstairs then she zoomed up in my room.

"Hey To-" She stopped and looked at me and Elijah on my bed.

"Oh....uhh....did you..?" she muttered

"" I said shocked

I gave her the 'let's talk about it later' look. She nodded

"Well. It seems that I have some business to attend to. I'll be going" Elijah said. And I nodded. He sped outside

"Alright. Talk" Bekah said sitting on the edge of my bed

"Nothing. Nothing happened. We just talked and fell asleep, that's all.." I said
"Hmm. Fair enough! So. What are you going to wear on the Decade Dance?" She asked

"You'll see" I said smirking

"Fine" she said then zoomed out

(8 hours later)
It's now 4:20 pm, I have 3 hours to get ready for the dance, Anyway, Damon was picking me up. Jade was going with Kol, of course.

I went to the bathroom and showered.
I got out and dried my hair. I curled and pinned my hair up. I put on natural makeup. I wore a cream colored 20's dress that when above my knee,with beads. My shoes were black with glitters on the heels. For accessories, I wore a double layered, pearl necklace. I took a last look at myself when I heard a knock on my door. Damon.

"Hey." I said

"Wow. You look hot!" He said

I laughed at his comment "Yeah. Sure thanks!" I said

"Shall we?" He said, leading me to his car and drove to some carnival, It was being held in the streets, obviously an outdoor dance.

As we arrived, We linked arms. As we scan the streets, I saw Kol and Jade dancing.

Pshh! No big deal! Right?? Ahh! Ignore it, Ignore it....leave it be. I kept telling myself.
"Let's dance" Damon said

"I don-" He cuts me off

"Yes you do. A thousand year old vampire doesn't know how to dance?" He asked sarcastically

"Yes" I simply said
"Nope. I don't think so" He said

"Alright! Okay! Fine!" I said. Then he dragged me on the dance floor.

We danced and twirled. I gotta admit. It was fun.

Someone tapped Damon's shoulder.
"May I steal your lovely date, for awhile?" Elijah asked

Damon nodded then left.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" I asked

"I came here to dance with you" He said then offered me his hand then I took it.

Slow dance. Woderful.

Kiss me By Ed Sheeran was playing.
He pulled me closer to him. He put an arm around my waist and the other holding my hand.

"You look wonderful, my dear" He said

"You don't look bad yourself" I replied

When the dance was over everyone
went home. I started to feel a huge pain in my head. Everything went black.


I was in the middle of the woods. Then I saw him. Mikael. He had 5 white oak stakes. I ran fast, not looking back. Suddenly, I bumped into something hard. I looked up, to see it was Mikael.
He had me held up against a tree with his hand on my throat.

"If you kill me, Nik, Elijah, Kol and Rebekah are going to kill you!" I yelled agrily

He laughed "They can't do that" He said

"Because they're already dead" He added then stepped aside.

They were all there, laying on the ground with stakes in their hearts. Dead.

"You're next" He said as he plunged the stake through my heart


I woke up, gasping for air.
Then I saw Nik, Elijah, Rebekah, Jade and Kol , On my side

"I dreamed about him" Was the first words to escape my mouth

"Who?" Rebekah asked with a worried look

"Mikael" As I said that, They all, gasped (except Jade)

"Who's Mikael?" Jade asked

"Our worst nightmare" Kol said with fear

"Why? What's so scary about him?" She asked

"HE'S THE VAMPIRE WHO HUNTS VAMPIRES! He wants to kill all his children and me. And he is their father" I said with fear in my voice

"What? A father that wants his children dead?" She asked

"Yes. The worst part is, when an original dies, his whole bloodline will die along with him" Elijah answered

"What was your dream about?" Nik asked

"Me. In the woods and I saw Mikael and your bodies scattered on the ground. He has 5 white oak stakes. He killed you all with it and said I'm next" I said with a shaky voice.

Yep. Mikael.

He's part of the thril.

There's a lot of secrets that are not yet revealed.

Like what?

That's for me to know and for you to find out! On the next chapter
***** Flaming Desire *****

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