Chapter 28; I'll Let You On A Little Secret

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A/N: In this chapter Ester is not a psychopath mother that wants to kill
her children. She's a loving, kind (kind of) and protective mother and she wasn't put inside a coffin, she was in Portland, helping other witch coven. Anyways! Enjoy!!!

Victoria's POV

I, Maria Victoria Petrova, KISSED BACK. What is the matter with me!!

I pulled away "What. Did. We. Do.?" I asked with a shocked and anger flew through me. "I'm such a bad friend. What if Jade finds out? I need to tell her, but sh-" I started rumbling but Kol cut me off "Calm down, darling" He said then hugged me. I pulled away immediately "NO. STOP IT! J-just don't" I said while tears ran down my face and I sped to the woods, crying.

I heard footsteps, I knew it was Kol "I'm a horrible friend" I said as I sobbed. " you're not..,I'm a terrible boyfriend" He said and put an arm around me.

"You know what? Let's just suck it up and pretend it didn't happen?!" I said quite pissed and walked to the street while Kol followed. "What are you doing?" He asked because I was laying down in the middle of the road. "Getting us a ride home" I simply said and he laid next to me and I saw a car on the way here.

The car stopped in front of us and a man got out. "Miss, are you o-" I cut him off and grabbed him "You will give us your car and forget about this" I compelled and he repeated. "Walk away" He nodded and did so.

"Get up. I'll drive" I told him with a pissed tone. He got up. "No, I-" I cut him off "I said I will drive. Now, let's go" This time with a tone that said 'don't question me' he nodded and went to the passenger's seat.

I started driving.

Dammit! Everytime I tell myself...I hate him, I just can't! I'm a bitch. A slut. A stupid horrible lying friend!! I kissed back!! I thought to myself

I didn't realize I was on full speed and Kol is yelling "VICTORIA, Darling. Slow down" He yelled. I finally calmed down and slowed down. He noticed tears running down my face.

"I'm a bitch" I said sobbing and stopped the car at the side of the road and put my head down stirring wheel.

My phone rang.

Caller ID: Elijah💙

I wiped my tears and cleared my throat before answering.

"Elijah" I said with a little crack on my voice.

"Marie...Are you okay?" He asked

"Yes, of course. Why did you call?"

"Just checking if you were fine. How long does it take for you to reach Mystic Falls?" He asked

"About an hour or so." I replied

"Alright. I have to say, mother can't wait to see you again"

"Yes. It's been a long time"

"Yes it has. That is all. Be safe" he said and hung up

I went back on the road and started driving. It was silent for a moment until Kol broke it. "Are you mad at me, darling?" He asked. "No, Kol. I'm mad at myself for kissing back" I said honestly. He nodded and the whole ride was silent until we reached the Mikaelson Manor

Kol and I went up to the porch and I opened the door with Kol behind me.
"We're home!" I called out and a second later, I was attacked by a bone crushing hug by.....Rebekah.

"Bekah...You're crushing me" I could barely speak. "I just missed you" She said letting me go. "Gosh, Bekah...I've only been gone for 4 days" I said and we both laughed.

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