Chapter Twenty-four

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Warning not proofread or edited

Naruto's POV

I growled as I shot yet another ball of fire towards the already chard village I swiped my paw at yet another Uchiha who fell as quickly as the rose. A loud laugh erupted from above me as I continued to end the villagers and ninjas alike "I haven't seen such destruction since before I was sealed!" Kurama shouted I paid him no mind as my eyes zeroed on on the hokage and his family running towards the village that no longer existed. Shifting from the full sized Kitsune I shushined infront them grabbing the first person's throat in my grasp who so happened to be the woman who gave birth to me she gasped in shock but recovered quickly as she send solid punches to my face which did nothing but aggravate me even more I squeezed hard enough to have her face turning blue. I hold her to the side as I glared at the hokage "where is he." I demanded as they looked about ready to slit my throat. "Put her down!" Bellowed a female resembling the one in my fist "tell me where he is now." I snarled out black smog escaping my mouth the more I spoke. The poisonous gas surrounded me swirling like angry storm clouds "let go of me." The woman choked out scratching at my arms "it seems you don't understand the severity of the situation. Tell me where he is or else I snapped this bitch's head off"

I growled out pushing the smog towards the village behind since I heard the whimpering and cries of survivors, this gas will ensure anyone who isn't dead is in the most painful way and excruciating way. First it'll immobilize them and slowly eat away at their flesh and leaving the most vital organs for last the only thing left of them would be their heads morphed in horrific expressions of fear and anguish. "He's probably doing the one thing he's good at being a slut to Lord Orochima-" the girl slapped her hand over her mouth as her eyes opened in shock. The name Orochimaru had my fur bristling, that son of a bitch has my Gaara MY GAARA, a ferocious growl rip through me as I severed the head of the bitch in my hand. The sound of tearing flesh and screams of agony brought a feeling of pleasure through me, the body dropped on the ground as I held the head the smog was already taking care of the body as I bathe in the looks of horror on both the family and the woman's face. I chucked the head towards the hokage who caught it staring at his wife in pure horror "how could you do this?! To your own mother!" He shouted aggrieved as he rushed towards me throwing the head somewhere. "I have no mother." I replied calmly as I blocked his so very predictable punches, you see kids never fight angry it leaves a lot of openings for your opponent to strike and strike I did with an unexpected rasengan straight into his gut. He gasped loudly as he flew backwards and into a tree fifteen yards away from us. I knew he was finished with since I had also mixed my smog with the rasengan, so even if he had found some profound will to stand again he won't be for long. I walked towards the forest letting my smog drift upwards where it rained black snow on the ground over the village.Now that I know who has my precious I wasted no time as I shushined to the place I know for a fact that will be Orochimaru's resting place.

Using the technique taught to me by some weird dude with frogs as family I summoned a frog who appeared on my shoulder and instantly began talking "Shut the fuck up or else." I growled at the annoying animal as I jumped between trees. "Find Gaara." I ordered as I pulled out a scroll that  belonged to him "do you think I'm a dog?" The frog scowled at me but he brought the scroll to face before spouting directions at me. A couple of minutes went by before I stumbled upon a abandoned looking building, throwing caution to the wind I shushined inside where I was met with a long hallway. Walking down the hallway I could smell the scent of  my Gaara and I could smell it getting stronger the further I walked. Have you ever been so furious that you were calm as hell? That's me right now as I came to a stop at a heavy door. "Ahh please no, stop please!" The anguished cries of Gaara came flooding through the door,I bawled my fist slamming it against the door, which flew off its hinges and into the room. My eyes went wide with rage as I saw Orochimaru's dick shoved up Gaara's ass and his filthy fucking snakes and hands wrapped around his body. "I'm gonna fucking skin you alive." I snarled out as I launched for him, he pulled out of Gaara before disappearing into thin air, the sounds of his twisted chuckles rang out "Oh my sweet Naruto, when are you going to learn, I can never die." He chirped happily I made a shadow clone and have him take Gaara back to the house where I know Kurama will heal him, as soon as the clone disappeared I released my smog. The thick substance instantly filled the room as I shushined to block the exit "Argh!" Came a shout from Orochimaru as he appeared a few steps infront of me "Oh I didn't forget that bit my sweet." I whispered out sweetly as I grabbed a hold of his pale sickly looking jaw "you've got nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, no new bodies to take over." I grinned at him as I dragged him towards the only source of light in the room "What is this?" He gasped out as he tried to shift into a snake. "Oh this I developed it myself, I call it the black rain." I laughed out watching as he gasped for air that wasn't present "I can make this smog have any effects I want like right now I can have it immobilize you, suffocate you, seal away all your powers, oh the possibilities are endless." I shouted looking into his pitiful eyes, the look of hatred and anger were prominent but the sliver of fear oh the tiniest bits of fear shun the brightest. "Now my dear Orochimaru, I'll make you wish you were able to die, I'll make you beg for it and oh when you think you be granted the pleasure of finally dying I'll give you another body healthier each time as I make you feel the pain you inflicted on what was mine." I sneered in his ears as I flipped him over, his ass on full display as I grabbed his hair pulling him back roughly as his back arched deeper. Using my free hand I brought my member out as I aligned myself with his entrance "no no please agh!!" He screamed in pain as I slammed myself to the hilt my balls touching his ass cheeks. "Do you like that." I snarled as I pulled out the friction of his dry hole making this more painful for him as I continued to slam mercilessly into him, his screams of pain fueling me as I thought about how much Gaara would've begged him to stop. "Maybe this isn't enough huh? After all you did strive for huge things." I muttered out as I summoned three shadow clones, one slid under him as the other stood beside me "ready boys?" I asked as their maniacal smirks matched my own "ready." They chorused as I pulled out we aligned our shafts as we slammed into the writhing bitch he screamed loud as blood poured from his abused ass but was silenced by the third clone shoving his cock deep into the bastard's throat, he gagged loudly and sputtered as his airway was cut off. I summoned another clone and have him take my place as I pulled away from the disgusting man "how about this Orochimaru I'll leave you here and every time you think you've gotten used to the feeling of being raped I'll add even more cocks and a new body mhmm, since you seem to enjoy having multiple cocks up your ass." He whimpered around the cock in his mouth as I smirked at him "enjoy." I said in a sing song voice as I shushined to the house. Arriving I immediately went towards my room where I saw my clone keeping guard and Kurama bandaging up Gaara. "How's he?" I asked as I took the place of my clone, that disappeared with a loud poof, beside the futon "physically he's healing well especially the scar on his chest, which will fade in a few minutes since the cream I had rubbed on it has quick healing properties but mentally........well we just have to wait until he's awake." Kurama said as he got up and walked out the door "We'll be going home as soon as he heals." Kurama threw over his shoulder as he closed the door. I looked at my beautiful lover, his pale skin shun in the moonlight giving it an ethereal beauty.  "This is all my fault, I'm so sorry." I whispered to him as I kissed his forehead gently before going to the bathroom, I hurriedly washed off the day's event but took time to wash my cock since it had been in someone it shouldn't. Walking back into the room I curled myself protectively around Gaara as I let the restless sleep overcame me.

Hey readers So I got sadistically (if that's a word) carried away with Orochimaru's punishment since the bitch is a motherfucker to die. Sigh so here you are and peace. Otte👋

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