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Naruto's POV
I groaned as I stirred awake, my mind groggy. Hn I feel like shit and why the hell am I so freaking hot?

I got up off the tatami and went towards where I think the bathroom is and went straight into the tub after washing off.

Warm....Kurama must have set it. I sighed in pleasure. Even though the place was hot the warm water felt great. I stayed for a couple more minutes, washed my body and got out.

I grabbed the small towel and wrapped it around my waist. I exited the bathroom amd began searching for kurama.

I went over to the right wing, since I claimed the left, and yet still no kurama. I then headed downstairs. Living room-no kurama, Porch- no kurama, kitchen- no kurama. Although I did found some miso soup and ate.

I sighed and went upstairs pulling on a tight blue tank top and a  black pants, my favourite sandals and headed outside.

If we're going to be here a while might as well look around the damn placed.
The sun kissed my tan skin and reflected off my yellow hair as I walked humming a slight tune.

As I reached the villiage I watched as people gawked at me. I know I'm hot but come on. They started whispering to each other and pointing as I walked pass.

"Could they be more obvious?" I mumbled and entered a Ramen shop I think is called Ichiraku or something.

I went to sit on a stool and as soon as i did a man came up to me. "What can I get for you son?" He had his eyes closed as he said this giving me a closed eye smile.

"Uh...ramen?" His eyes opened and then he stood there in shock, eyes wide as saucers staring at me. "Mi-" he stopped mid way and rubbed his eyes. Is something wrong with these people in this village?

"Sir are you alright?" I asked slightly unnerved at how he is staring at me.
"Ha-ha great one Minato. You can drop the henge now." I looked at him confused. Who's Minato?

"What are you talking about?" He full on laughed and gestured to someone.
"Ayame. Look at this obvious henge your hogake used. He didn't even bothered to change his appearance much, what only whiskers and shorter hair. Yeah right"

They both bursted out into fits of laughter and I got up annoyed at them. "You people are fucking crazy."
They stopped and looked at me shocked.

I walked out the shop shaking my head. Strolling down the street, I saw two raven-haired boys coming towards me. One was older than the other as they strolled as if they owned the placed.

I continued walking in a straight line towards said boys. As I was passing them the eldest stopped me. He had his hair in a ponytail.

"What is your business in this village and why do you look like the hogake. Drop your henge." I looked at him as if he grew ten heads. Not this again.

"Lets get something straight." I stared in his eyes since we were on the same height. Due to my bones breaking and reforming throughout my training.

"I dont know what the hell you're talking about and my business here has nothing to do with you." He snarled at me.

"If you dont tell me right now I have no choice but to take drastic measures." He and the other one got into a fighting stance.

I looked at them and shook my head. "I dont have time for this stupidness." I walked away leaving them stunned. Now dont take this the wrong way, I'm not cocky or anything but with their chakra flow and reserve I could take them with one hand tied behind my back.

I haven't been training my entire life for some ninja wannabes to fuck me up. You crazy, I shook my head as I neared and empty space. A training ground maybe?

I walked to the center and sat down in a meditating position. Thinking back to what those people said to me. Why did I look like their hogake, I mean I dont even know the guy why would I want to replicate him?

I tried to think back to a time where in any point of my life had I have any contact with said man but nothing.

Sigh....of course I remember nothing from my childhood due to a serious head injury back when I was maybe about six or seven I dont really know.

I heard a bush rustle and I turned towards the noise. I saw four persons coming from the bushes. A pinked haired girl screaming at a blonde girl ,while the men looked exhausted.

"Sasuke-kun is mine you got that?!" The pinky screamed the blonde turned to her and started yelling in response "not if I get to him first!"

You could literally see the eletric static zipping at each other. Suddenly they stopped about a few feet from me. They looked at me in shock.

The silence carried on for a few seconds before the silver haired man spoke up. "That's a good shadow clone Menma but how did you change its appearance?"

The man walked over to me and leaned closer to my face. "You even bulged him up in the muscle isle not to mention these whiskers. Superb"

He stretched his hand out to touch me and I slapped it away. "What the hell are you doing?" I growled.

He looked shocked as I stood up. "Sensi I didn't create that clone." The boy called Menma stuttered. "You didnt? Then who did?"

I glared at the persons in front me and shushined out there leaving a colony of bats flying around. Courtesy of the king of death himself.

I arrived back at the house and walked in. I was about to head straight into my room when I heard my name.

I went to the backyard to see Kurama sitting in a yoga pose. "Kit where have you been all day?" I looked at him annoyed. "None of your business." I growled stomping back towards my room.

I have had enough for today and I dont want to deal with his ignorant ass. Plus I start school tomorrow and shit boy I dont want to....

Guess who???? How ya doing? This might be a crappy update but what can I say I tried plus I srsly need some ideas from you guys. Help a gurl out man??

Anyways until next time.
Bye boo bears😘😘🐹🐹🐹

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