Chapter twenty-five

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Warning not proofread or edited

Naruto's POV

I awoke to Gaara thrashing and screaming as he yelled for help "Gaara-kun it's okay I've got you." I spoke as I gently took his arms and brought them to my chest he whimpered softly as he looked up at me with tears streaming down his face "Naruto-san?" His timid voice had me instantly nodding my head in agreement, he threw himself at me wrapping his arms around my neck as he buried his face in my shoulder. Sobs rocked his body as he cried while I sat there rubbing his back and whispering sweet nothings in his ear. After a while his crying died down to little hiccups as he sat back and rubbed his eyes "I'm sorry for ruining your shirt." He muttered out "are you okay?" I asked placing my hands softly on his cheek to lift his face to look at me. His beautiful eyes had dark circles under it and is red from his previous crying, his nose and lips were also red and he looked even more beautiful. He searched my face for a while before he gently leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to my lips, "you look exhausted Naruto-san, you should get some sleep." The gestured although sweet had me a bit annoyed "Gaara are you okay?" I asked again but he dropped his head nibbling on his bottom lips as he pondered "I.... I'm fine." He muttered out still keeping his head down. I placed soft kisses all over his face as I laid us both down back on the futon, he immediately curled around me. His head resting in the crook of my neck while his hands sandwiched between us clung to my shirt and his feet tangled with mine. I wrapped one hand tightly around his waist as the other went under his head like a pillow, kissing his crown I inhaled his scent as I waited for him to go to sleep. I mulled over the fact that what Orochomaru did to him will inevitably haunt him endlessly, sighing loudly I summoned a clone to fetch Kurama as the decision of what I had to do solidified in my head. "What is it kit?" He asked as he slid the doors opened and entered, "Can you erase what had happened to Gaara from his memories?" I asked as I sat up after many tries. He looked at me with conflicted eyes before he shook his head " no can do kit." I rolled my eyes as he looked at Gaara who was whimpering loudly and thrashing about " he'll go mad Kura-san, you know that please." I begged as I was desperate to free him from this pain.

The damn fox sighed loudly before he once again shook his head "I'm sorry kit but-" I cut him off with an annoyed as I got up off the futon and towards the middle of the room I bit my finger hard enough to draw blood as I began my drawing "What are you doing?" Kurama asked as he came closer to me "calling the one person who I know won't deny me anything." I grunted out as I finished the pentagram "you are not calling that demon here." Kurama growled out as he grabbed me up from my seated position "and why not huh?! Gaara is suffering and it's all my fault and the only person I know that can help him refuses to." I shrugged him off as I went to sit back in the center of the pentagram, I sat there as I tried to calm my erratic heart beat and raging mind. I heard kurama sighed before he spoke up "fine I'll do it, anything to keep you from that demon's clutches." I grinned widely in my head as I turned a blank face towards him, he sat beside Gaara as he rest his hands on his temples. His face relaxed before scrunching up in disgust and after a few minutes he sighed before pulling away "that bastard." He muttered out before getting up and walking out. "Get some rest, we'll see what happens when he's awake." He said over his shoulder. I got up from where I was and went to Gaara, hugging him tightly against my chest. I closed my eyes as I drifted off to sleep, inhaling the calming scent of Gaara and his warm breath.

I awoke to soft shy kisses being placed on my neck, cracking open my eyes I saw the red hair of my lover bouncing slightly "good morning love." At the sound of my husky voice he jumped squealing a bit before his beautiful eyes came into view green against blue. "Good morning Naru-san." He whispered out as red dusted his cheeks, I smiled widely at the name before scooping him up. He giggled as I peppered small kisses all over his face "Naru-san!" He gasped out as he looked at me with warm eyes "how are you feeling?" I asked softly as I laid him on my chest he traced small circles on my chest as he replied "I'm fine Naru-san, are you?" I hummed in reply as we laid there content in our own little bubble which was soon interrupted by kurama slamming the door open "Good morning one and all!" He shouted as Gaara giggled at him while I glared "whaddya want?" I asked annoyance present in my tone. Hw grinned down at me before he lifted three scrolls "Well we are packed and ready to go." He said smiling widely I shook my head as Gaara looked on confused "remember when I told you I wouldn't be here for long?" He shook his read in reply "yeah well me neither, but we'll be going home back to our village since our time here is up." He nodded softly as his expression dimmed "Hey don't be sad, there's room for you too you know." I said as he looked up at me with utter joy "really?!" He shouted as he hugged me tightly. I chuckled out before ushering him towards Kurama "go on ahead there's something I gotta take care of first. They nodded as kurama shushined leaving fire flakes littering the air. Me however I took my time as I walked towards the now desolate village adorned with skulls, dried blood and ruined buildings, I searched for the chakra I had sensed yesterday hiding. "There you are." I cooed out as I came upon a villager around my age, he glared at me as I grinned at him grabbing him by the collar I smiled as he thrashed about yelling demon and all that good stuff. I shushined to the dark room where I heard Orochimaru begging for them to stop, by now there were thirteen clones most of which were at his rear. "Fresh meat." I shouted over the wails of Orochomaru. The clones stopped what they were doing as they pulled out from the guy beneath them, Orochomaru fell to the ground instantly gasping for air as he drifts in and out of consciousness. The massive puddle of blood ran over the span of the room "Hey there sweetie." I cooed out as I dropped the boy and went towards Orochomaru, I lifted his head and stared into his eyes " how are you feeling?" He glared up at me as he spat blood and cum in my face, I flinched back as I brought my fist down and into his nose, he yelped on pain as blood poured from his wound. "This is how you treat me even after I went out of my way to bring you a gift, so ungrateful." I muttered out as I walked away from him, he looked at the boy cowering infront him before he looked away. "Aww it's the first I've seen the Orochomaru deny a body hehe well enjoy." I waved at him as he looked at me with desperation on his face "please, please I'm sorry-" I grinned wickedly at him as I continued to wave. I shushined towards the chakra signature of kurama and what I saw warmed my heart. There in the lake Gaara was splashing kurama they both had huge grins on their faces as they continued to play, I sat in the shade of a tree as I watched them "Naru-san!" I watched as Gaara ran towards me the water sliding down his body as his eyes shun brightly. I know that what I've been through will haunt me for the rest of my days but with these two I know I can pull through because they're my family and nothing and no one can take that away from me. My past will forever be known as Naruto's Neglect but my future is still unwritten and I will make the best of it.

Hey readers it has been great experience to have been here with you all and I'm happy for the ones who stuck throughout my weird and crazy story and finally came the end of a book I throughly enjoyed writing especially with lovely readers like you.
This is the end of my story, thank you.
It has been a blast and to you I say farewell goodbye, so long my lovelies.😢😭😚

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