chapter three

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Pietro's POV

"Yeah, I'm calling bull." I shrugged, narrowing my eyes at the twins in front of me. The dark haired one, Billy, gaped at me. "There is no way you just developed those powers and instantly knew how to use them."

"I'm telling you, I did not have powers before today! I'm not even sure if that was me!" Billy cried out desperately, looking around the gathering of Justice Leaguers and my team as we surrounded him and his brother. "I'm pretty was the stone."

Jason snorted, shaking his head in disbelief. "Yeah right, like the stone is sentient or some crap."

"Honest! I felt something when I squeezed it. Well, I felt a lot of different things but when that giant raisin attacked me it was like I wasn't in control of my body. It was like I was...possessed or something." Billy sighed, looking at his brother for help.

I'm pretty sure his name was Tommy just held his hands up in surrender. "Don't look at me, you were glowing dude."

Glowing. My mind instantly flashed back to when Wanda would use her powers and her eyes would glow scarlet as she called upon the energy within her, bending reality to her whims. This Billy kid glowed in a similar way, but instead of scarlet tones he was encased in blue when he fought off Thanos.

I gulped, looking down at the stone in my hand and recalled what Thanos had called it. The reality stone. Could it be that this stone gave these twins powers? I mean, I momentarily commanded Wanda's powers back when she first passed away when I was in possession of the stone, so I guess it was possible?

I shook my head, catching Batman's eyes. I nodded down at the stone, figuring he would catch my drift. He did when he asked the twins if they would be willing to come back to the Mountain to have some tests run on them.

"Are you kidding me? Billy might faint from excitement." Tommy grinned, ruffling his brother's hair. Billy scowled at his twin, smacking his hand away from his head. Tommy just chuckled, nodding his head as he followed Batman with his brother in tow.

I stayed back from the twins a few yards, watching them curiously. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked over at M'gann who had a knowing look on her face as she followed my gaze.

Don't worry so much Pietro, its is not a good look on you.

Woah, who said I was worrying?

Hey, mind link remember? Besides, the way you are eyeing Wanda's stone...its pretty obvious where your mind is going. careful, okay? That is a slippery slope you are starting on and I don't want you to be like how Jason was when Wanda first died.

I appreciate the concern, but I won't be going all edge lord like Jason did. I know my sister is gone and is never coming back. I've accepted that, I've started to move on. Today won't change that.

Okay, just had to make sure.


M'gann smiled at me, squeezing my shoulder once before hurrying after the parade of Leaguers that were escorting the boys out of the Hall and towards the bioship. I started to walk after them with the rest of my friends and teammates, falling into step next to Roy and Jason.

"What was that all about? Looked intense." Roy asked, gesturing between me and M'gann.

I smirked, shaking my head as I pocketed Wanda's stone for safe keeping. "Just trash talking the two of you nerds." Jason snorted, smacking the back of my head. "For real, it was nothing. She just doesn't want me to get my hopes up."

Roy nodded silently and Jason smiled tightly, changing the subject to the short lived battle with Thanos as we boarded the very crowded bioship. Even with the Leaguers, except for Batman, taking the zeta tubes the ship was still at max capacity due to the addition of the twins. I scowled at them from my seat at the back of ship.

The flight was tense and silent as M'gann flew us as fast as she could back to Happy Harbor. We made it back to the Mountain in record time, exiting the bioship inside the mountain's hangar. The twins were awestruck, spinning around to take everything in. I rolled my eyes, following Batman towards one of the labs that the League had installed here. "Come on you two, let's get this over with."

They came scampering after Batman and I like lost puppies, following us through the winding hallways until we entered the lab, most of the team having dispersed to go do their own thing leaving just Dick, M'gann, and Tim who stayed to watch along with, of course, Batman and I.

I handed the stone over to Batman and gestured for the twins to sit on one of the cots. They obliged, exchanging a worried look. I rolled my eyes again, watching as Batman put Wanda's gemstone into a container and began typing into one of the holographic computers he had pulled up as soon as we walked into the lab. I had Tim take the twin's vitals while we waited for the machines to calibrate and warm up. We were going to test to see if the twins had the same energy signature as the stone after the whole debacle with Thanos.

So far, their vital signs were normal, pulses a little elevated probably due to anxiety. I exchanged glances with M'gann, gesturing with my eyes to the twins. She shook her head but I nodded slightly, a steely look coming onto my face. She sighed and I knew I had her.

Pietro, your lucky I love you like a brother otherwise I wouldn't be doing this.

Love you too, Megs.

She smiled a little as her eyes glowed a soft yellow. I watched as both the twins winced, grabbing their heads for a quick second before returning to their regular sitting positions. M'gann's eyes stopped glowing and she nodded once at me.

Nothing evil in there, just a lot of excitement about being here and a lot of snark from Tommy. Other then that, they seem pretty normal.


What, did you want them to be evil?

No, I don't know it would make sense. That I could handle.

I don't get you, Pietro.

Neither do I.

Batman called me out of my mental conversation with M'gann to come look at the monitor, which looked like an infrared scanner but it was reading the energy signature from the stone instead. And it was going of the charts around the twins. I gasped, looking between the twins and the stone.

"What? What is it?" Billy asked innocently. I looked at him quizzically, an idea popping into my head. I popped open the device holding Wanda's stone, grabbing it out and tossing it to Billy. "Woah, what the hell?" Once the stone was in his hand and touched his palm, he let out a guttural screech and his eyes rolled back in his head before he fainted face first off the cot with a thunk.

"Billy?!" Tommy was at his side in an instant, moving faster than possibly even me. He glared up at me as he tried to pry the stone from Billy's vice like grip. "What did you do to my brother?"

"Shit, I don't know." I shrugged, crouching next to the twins. I checked Billy for a pulse, which he luckily still had. "But look at the bright side, at least he's still alive?"

Everyone in the room just glared at me. I sighed, sitting cross legged next to the passed out teen with one thought on my mind.

Wanda would've thought that was funny.

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