chapter fifteen

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Wanda's POV

M'gann managed to gain back some control of the ship so we did not crash land too hard onto the moon. Instead, we landed a little harsher than preferable.

Once we were on the ground I squeezed the Reality Stone, turning to face my friends. "We can breathe in space." I muttered, watching the scarlet energy flow out of my hands and encase my friends in little wisps for a few seconds before dissipating. I smiled, gesturing for M'gann to open a hatch. "I'll test my spell, let you all know if it works." M'gann opened a hatch and I jumped down, taking a deep breathe in and grinning up at my team, giving them a thumbs up. "Safe to come on down."

One by one, they all jumped down to join me on the surface of the moon. Dick let out a low whistle taking in the sight of the Earth millions of miles away. "This is by far the coolest thing to happen to me."

"After finding out we survived Sokovia, of course." I winked, nudging my cousin's arm. Dick rolled his eyes with a light hearted smile. I grinned back, about to say more when Garfield let out a cry.

"Look out!"

My head whipped to the side just in time to see another glowing purple moon rock flying in our direction. I growled, throwing my hands up to create a force field around us and the bioship. The rock shattered against the force field, sending a cloud of dust down on the energy field and blocking our vision. I sighed, snapping my fingers and making the dust disappear.

Once we could see again, I almost let out a startled yelp when I saw Thanos only a couple dozen yards away with his almost complete Infinity Gauntlet. He saw us and narrowed his eyes at my hand. "Witch, I am going to need that Stone. Hand it over."

"I think not." I snorted, sending a bit more energy into the force field.

Thanos chuckled at the surge of energy, raising his fist and activating the Mind Stone. "I can turn your friends against you. How would you like to battle the demiurge, Witch?"

I swallowed thickly, glancing at Billy through the corner of my eyes. His own eyes began to turn blue, not like when he used his powers, this was a haunting, mindless blue. Billy turned slowly towards me, raising his hands and aiming them at me. I gulped, squeezing my eyes shut and bracing myself for the onslaught of fire that started to spark from his hands.

But it never hit me.

Instead I heard an agonized screech that haunted my nightmares for months. Opening my eyes I was met with an all too familiar sight of my brother's body, this time burnt instead of shot. I let out my own scream, feeling my power intensify within me. "You murderer!" A wave of scarlet energy burst out of me and almost hit Billy at full force, but he put up his own blue force field just in time. I growled in annoyance, turning to my shell shocked team. "You get Thanos, I'll handle Billy."

"Wanda, are you sure-"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to get revenge. I will just do some...cognitive recalibration." I smirked, feeling my eyes glow scarlet as I let the force field down and focused my energy on Billy.

I dove towards him with my hands outstretched, aflame with pure energy. He dodged my grabbing hands, but I whirled around and landed a hex blast to his chest. He stumbled backwards, shaking his head and blinking his eyes. When they opened again they were still the haunting blue and I frowned, using my powers to form an energy sword.

I charged Billy again, this time swinging my sword at him. It connected with his wrist and I willed the sword to turn into a whip, wrapping around his arm in split second. I tugged him towards me, grabbing his chin in my free hand. Making eye contact with those haunting irises, I hissed out in fury at the brainwashed boy. "Remember who you truly are, Billy Kaplan."

Billy's eyes rolled back in his head and he went limp in my grip. I huffed, not having time for his fainting bull crap, so I snapped my fingers and woke him up. Blinking his eyes open, they were returned to their normal brown. "Wanda, I am so s-"

"Save it." I snapped, pointing at our friends who were fighting Thanos. "Right now we need to help them. Any ideas on how to end this?"

He thought about it for a moment and I winced while Artemis got backhanded by Thanos. "I have one, but you're not going to like it..."

"Well, spit it out! Our friends are dying and we are the last hope."

"Let me see the Stone." He stuck his hand out and I snatched my hand back. Billy sighed, exasperated. "Wanda, c'mon. You're gonna have to trust me."

"After you killed my brother? No."

"I was mind controlled!" He whined, holding his hand out again. "Let me see the Stone, I need to use it to defeat Thanos."

"Why can't I use the Stone to defeat Thanos?"

"Because you aren't the demiurge!" He snapped.

My eyes widened when I realized what he was planning. "You are going to use the gauntlet, aren't you?" He didn't say anything, just maintained eye contact. "Billy, that's suicide. What if it kills you?"

"That's what suicide means." He rolled his eyes. "Besides, I caused most of our friends deaths, its the only way I can pay them back."


"No, Wanda, I did. Plus, Dr. Strange made it seem like perhaps I could survive using the gauntlet. I know what I am going to do, but I can't do it without the Reality Stone."

I sighed, mulling it over in my head before nodding. "Fine, but we get the gauntlet off his arm first."

Billy nodded in agreement and smiled sadly, looking towards the fight against Thanos. "You ready to kick some Titan ass?"

I scoffed, summoning the energy within me as I looked over at the teen next to me. "Bitch please, I was born ready."

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