chapter seventeen

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Wanda's POV

The battle against Thanos lasted probably ten minutes, the force of our whole team plus the Justice League meant we easily defeated the purple Titan.

I sauntered over to Thanos, smirking when he looked up at me from his position on the ground. I took his chin in my hand, summoning the scarlet energy into the palm of my hand. Thanos stared me down defiantly as I surged the energy into his body, shutting his body down and ending his life. I watched emotionless as the light left his eyes. "That was for all the pain you have brought my family." I hissed, dropping his chin from my hand and letting his body drop in a lifeless heap.

Turning around, I walked back to the gathering of my exhausted teammates and the Justice League. Batman and the other Leaguers were giving me disapproving looks but I just rolled my eyes. "How are you here? What happened on the moon?"

"Billy used the gauntlet to send us back to the past, to 'fix' the past." Dick shrugged, eyes roaming the crowd of on lookers. Zatanna grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. "Look, what else was he supposed to do?"

"Not doom the entire universe?" She snapped, glaring at Billy who was standing at the edge of the crowd with his brother.

I quirked my brow, making eye contact with the young sorcerer. He flushed when he saw me looking at him, confusing me greatly. I gestured for him to come over. He pointed at himself and I nodded. Billy grabbed Tommy's arm and tugged him over to us. I grinned, pulling Billy into a hug. "Thank you, you saved us all."

"Me? I didn't do anything. All I did was break your statue." He stumbled over his words and I furrowed my brows.

"You set me free, Billy Kaplan. You are a hero."

He gasped, looking two seconds away from squealing. "Wanda Maximoff knows my name. Oh my god, Tommy did you hear that?!"

"I did, Billy." Tommy smirked, eyeing me with a pointed expression. He tapped his temple and I got the hint.

Billy has no memory of the last few weeks. He does not remember having powers or fighting Thanos, my death or the team's deaths, nothing. He doesn't have his powers anymore, either...what the hell happened?

I kept my expression neutral as I replied telepathically to Tommy.

He used the gauntlet, I don't know what he wished for though. Whatever it was, it came at the price of his powers and his memory, apparently.

Maybe it's better this way?

I nodded subtly, turning back to Billy. I pulled him back in for a long hug, whispering in his ear. "Goodbye, Billy. Thank you for all you have done."

Tommy pulled on Billy's arm. "C'mon, we gotta go back to our field trip.  It was nice meeting you guys."

As they were walking away, I heard Billy squeal to Tommy in a breathy voice. "Wanda Maximoff knows my name and she hugged me twice! Could this day get any better?"

I smiled sadly, looking away from the two brothers and back to my teammates. Tim was frowning and I nudged his arm, gaining his attention. "You two were close, right?"

Tim nodded, darting his eyes away from Billy. "But it doesn't matter now, he doesn't remember anything." With a sigh and a shrug Tim walked away, back towards the bioship. The rest of us followed, Superman picking up Thanos' body for later disposal.

Once we were all on the ship M'gann started the course for Mount Justice, and we flew in silence. That is, until Wally broke it.

"Should we really be leaving the twins behind? I mean, do we honestly believe Billy lost his powers and his memory?"

"I searched his mind thoroughly, he has no recollection of any of the events of Thanos. Besides, what did you expect us to do, kidnap a 'random' kid to check his energy levels?" I snarked, glaring at Wally.

"Yes, that is exactly what we should've done."

"No, we let Tommy watch his brother and report to us if he regains his power or his memory. Less questions that way." Kaldur decided.

I nodded my head, looking back at the team. We flew the rest of the way in silence and for that I was grateful. 

Once we got to Mount Justice, however, the Justice League was waiting for us. And boy, did they have questions.

"Wanda, how arw you here?" Wonder Woman approached me, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Long story short, Billy freed me from the Stone." I shrugged. "Scarlett, my clone, seems to still be trapped. When I asked if she wanted to be freed, she said someone had to stay to power the Stone and it might as well be her." The Leaguers nodded in approval of my answer.

My friends and I left the League alone with Thanos' body and departed to the lounge where we sprawled out on the couches and chairs, completely exhausted. Nobody said anything as we turned the TV on to the news, immediately glued to it when it showed the aftermath of our fight at the Hall of Justice.

"-and here we have sophomore Tyler Johnson from Happy Harbor High, on a field trip when this fight between an unknown assailant and the Justice League broke out. Tyler, what can you tell us about the incident that happened today?"

"Yo, it was so cool! The big grape looking dude exploded his way in and all of a sudden the smoking hot witch girl came out of nowhere and kicked his a-"

"Thank you, Mr. Johnson. And that is all the time we have for today. Tune in later tonight when we get an exclusive with none other than the Justice League's own Superman!"

Conner turned the TV off and we sat in silence until I snickered. "I am smoking hot, aren't I?"

"Babe, you are the hottest." Jason grinned, kissing the top of my head.

Pietro groaned, pretending to vomit while Dick covered his eyes. "Dude, that's my sister. Stop being so gross."

"I forgot, you wish I was kissing you." Jason made kissing faces at Pietro and we all cracked up, Pietro tossing a pillow at Jason and hitting him in the face.

"Shut the hell up, no I don't."

I looked around the room at my laughing friends and couldn't help but grin larger, content that all was well in the world.

For now.

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