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Author's note: Here is a quick epilogue to conclude the story and set up the third and final story in the trilogy. Enjoy!

Billy's POV

I was walking home from school two months after the field trip, still so pumped that I met the Scarlet Witch, when I bumped into my long time bully Tyler and his cronies. When Tyler saw it was me who bumped into him, a wicked grin crossed his face.

"Well well well, look who we have here." He sneered and a shudder ran down my spine. "Mister high and mighty, thinking he is so cool because Conner and Megan stood up for him once. Ha. Pathetic. We should teach you a lesson."

I rolled my eyes internally. Why does he sound like some eighties movie cliche? "Tyler, please, I just want to go home and check on my twin."

"That's right! Tommy boy is out with the flu. Well, that makes our job easier." The first punch hit me on the stomach and I immediately doubled over, my eyes watering in pain. "Awe, are you crying?"

I grit my teeth, willing my tears to go away as I rapidly blinked my eyes.

One of Tyler's friends kicked my shin and I winced, not having enough time to react as Tyler's fist connected with my face. I went flying backwards, landing on the ground as I held my now bleeding nose.

Tyler and his gang laughed at me, circling around my huddled form. "You are weak, Billy. You are nothing. You should just-"

"Shut up!" I yelled, gasping when a blue ball of light shot out of my hands and hit Tyler square on the chest. Tyler's friends were immediately running away from me, not bothering to help their unconscious friend off the ground.

I sat there on the ground on my knees, trembling as I stared at Tyler's unconscious form. How did I do that? Where did that come from? What was that?

A slow clap of hands came from behind me and the sound of approaching footsteps caused me to turn slowly. I saw a pale dark haired young man standing in a suit a few yards away with a tabby cat sitting around the back of his neck, a huge smirk on his face. "Bravo! Excellent! Magnificent!" I tilted my head curiously and the young man just laughed, walking closer and kneeling next to me. "I have been looking everywhere for you, Demiurge."

"My name is Billy, not...whatever you just called me." I muttered, accepting the man's helping hand to my feet. "Who are you?"

"Klarion, Lord of Chaos at your service. We are going to be good friends." Klarion grinned, petting the cat on his shoulder. "This is Teekl, my cat. Now, I need you to do me a favor."

"What? I just met you, why would I do anything for you?" I scoffed, stepping back from Klarion.

He grinned larger, his hand glowing red. "Because I asked nicely." He placed his hand on my forehead and it burned, eliciting a guttural scream from me. I felt compelled to listen to him now, staring into his unearthly black eyes. "Now, we are going to have some fun."

I smirked back at him. "Oh yes, we are."

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