chapter eight

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Billy's POV

Somehow I managed to teleport out of the way of the falling debris without a second thought, although I did land on my stomach. With a groan, I staggered back to my feet to see Thanos dusting himself off, a good dozen or so yards away from the Mind Stone.

Looking around, I noticed most of my team was incapacitated by the debris, everyone except for M'gann and Roy.

M'gann! You and Roy get the others free, I'll get the Stone.

My teammates nodded, jumping into lifting the debris off our team. I decided to hit two birds with one stone, literally.

Using my telekinesis, I concentrated on lifting the crumbled ceiling off the unconscious forms of my friends. Once in the air, I hurled the rocks with all the force I could muster at Thanos. He swatted most of them away, but a particularly large one hit him square on the chest and knocked him back to the ground.

I floated myself over to position myself between Thanos and the Stone. Thanos looked up and saw me, a smirk forming on his scarred face. "Demiurge, we meet again."

I furrowed my brow, about to ask him what he meant by 'demiurge' when I remembered we were in the middle of a battle. So I summoned my bright blue lightning to the palms of my hand. "This time, I came prepared." I shot the lightning out, grinning when Thanos spasmed. Taking a deep breath and summoning the blue energy that lived within me, I focused my efforts on forming the energy into shuriken.

Nothing like learning in the heat of the moment.

I tossed the shuriken at Thanos, willing them to explode upon impact with the purple giant. Once the smoke cleared, I saw a bloody, and very angry, Thanos glaring at me with so much hatred I almost faltered.


"I was going to offer you a seat next to me on my quest, but I rescind my generosity." He growled, lighting up the blue Stone in the gauntlet he wore on his left arm. Next thing I knew, he appeared in front of me and was wrapping his ginormous hand around my throat and squeezing. I felt the air rush out of my body as he slowly began to crush my windpipe, smiling maliciously the whole time. "Demiurge, I expected more from you."

Summoning the blue fire within me, I pathetically tried to burn his wrists with the flames that ignited my palms. Thanos just swatted my hands away like pesky insects, laughing  at my attempt to free myself from his ever tightening grasp.

I grit my teeth, focusing the rest of my rapidly draining energy on teleporting away from the purple man. I reappeared next to Mind Stone and I grabbed it without a second thought, ignoring the burning sensation that lit up my branded palm. I felt the Mind Stone's energy rejuvenate me, so I focused the new found power on Thanos, waiting until his eyes turned a haunting blue. I rasped out around the blood that was filling my throat, my voice hoarse as I yelled in a commanding tone at the Titan. "Leave!"

He nodded, activating the Space Stone once more. A dark blueish-black portal appeared and he walked through the cloud of smoke, leaving behind destruction and chaos.

When I was sure he was gone, I allowed myself to collapse to the ground in a coughing fit, blood dripping out of the corner of my mouth. My vision swam with stars as hands started to grab at my body, my lungs heaving for air.

"Billy, did he get the Stone?" A far off voice that sounded like Roy asked.

My eyes rolled back in my head as my tight fist fell open, allowing the Mind Stone to tumble out onto the ground seconds before I passed out.

Thanos' POV

I blinked my eyes, shaking my head to get rid of the foggy feeling that clouded my mind. When I looked down at my gauntlet, I cursed when I saw that I had failed again at the hands of the accursed demiurge.

I wiped the blood that dripped down my forehead with the back of my hand, stomping through my ship to find my second in command, Ebony Maw. We had a lot of planning to do, I will not be bested by a mere child again.

I will succeed in wiping out half the universe and restoring balance, even with the emergence of the demiurge. Nothing will stop me.


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