chapter fourteen

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Wanda's POV

"Cool cool cool, no pressure. Everything is fine. Great. Yeah. Lovely. Totally not freaking out right now, I mean, I just love being told I will cause more damage than effing Thanos for shit's sake." Billy squeaked, his face contorted in panic.

He was pacing back and forth, repeating the same anxious dialogue until I finally had enough. I stood up and stalked over to him, stepping into his path and grabbing both of his shoulders. When he looked up at me with a puzzled expression I smacked him across the face. "Snap out of it! Z said you have the potential to cause more damage than Thanos, not that you will. Now focus up, we need a plan of attack against the big baddie."

"We could bring the fight to him?" Pietro suggested with a slight shrug.

"But we don't know where he is." Jason pointed out, eyes turning to Zatanna. "Unless you can track him?"

She thought about it for a moment. "I'll give it a shot, but do you guys really want to give Thanos home field advantage?"

"Any time we had the advantage, we got our asses handed to us. Its the only chance we have."

Zatanna nodded at Artemis' words, taking a few steps back so she could have enough space to perform her spell. Once she was done, her eyes flung open and she looked over at us with a queasy expression. "Do you guys want to go to space? 'Cause Thanos is on the moon right now."

I groaned, holding my hands up in surrender. "I don't get a say, I'm just along for the ride at this point."

The others exchanged looks before nodding. Artemis took a step towards the mission room, looking back over her shoulder at us. "Well, we should probably let the Justice League know where we are going right?"

I snorted. "Since when have we been known for that? C'mon, we don't have a moment to lose."

We all went back on the bioship, Billy teleporting the bodies of our deceased team members off the ship and into the hangar with the help of Zatanna. Once that was over with, we all took a seat and prepared for take off.

"M'gann, can this ship handle going into space?"

"Please, it got me here all the way from Mars, remember?" She rolled her eyes at Tim's question, piloting the ship out of the Mountain.

Not even five minutes into the flight and we got a transmission from the Mountain. Artemis accepted it and the screen filled with the angry faces of Batman and Red Tornado. "Where do you think you are going?"

"Would you believe us if we said the moon?" Pietro drawled, a lazy smirk on his face.

I bit back a laugh as Batman's face became even more pinched with fury. "Why are you going to the moon during a time like this?"

"Sir, we are taking the fight to Thanos." Billy blurted and I face palmed. He had no experience with this whole defiance thing.

"No. Come back at once."

"Sorry, B, going through a tunnel. Can't hear you." Jason cut the transmission, glaring at Billy. "When this is all over, we really need to work on your lying."

"I second that." Pietro nodded, looking out the window as we soared through the clouds.

I looked out the window as the Earth became smaller and smaller beneath us. We exited the atmosphere, flying at speeds I didn't even know the bioship could move at. It was a breath taking sight to see the stars in their 'natural habitat'.

I stood up from my seat and walked to the front of the ship to get a closer look. I heard someone come up behind me and I smiled, knowing it was Jason. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and his chin rest on top of my right shoulder. Leaning back into his touch, I heard him murmur in my ear, his breath fanning my cheek. "Beautiful view, isn't it?"

"The stars are quiet breathtaking from up here." I turned my head slightly so I could look him in the eyes, my smile growing ever so slightly.

"I meant you." He smirked, making me roll my eyes.

"You're so cheesy."

He leaned closer, our noses touching. "You know you like it."

"Mmm maybe." I whispered back, leaning closer to press a kiss to Jason's lips. He immediately kissed back and I was in blissful heaven for all of five seconds, my idiot twin having to ruin the moment.

"I know we are all glad to have my sister back and there is a good chance we might die soon, but do you have to make out with her in front of all of us like this is some cliché movie?"

I pulled back from Jason, flipping Pietro off. "You're just jealous that I got the guy."

"Oh yeah, you know me, I totally wish I could be Jason's arms stargazing before our imminent demise." Pietro drawled sarcastically.

"Awe, Pietro, you should've said something. C'mere bro." Jason cooed, opening his arms towards my twin. Pietro cackled, flipping us all the bird.

"You two may want to take your seats, we are approaching the moon." M'gann suggested, gesturing with her head towards our vacated spots.

"Never in my life did I imagine I would hear the words 'we are approaching the moon' and have them be literal." Billy mumbled.

"Well, stranger things have happened to you, why be so surprised about going to the moon?" Tim shot back.

I nodded in agreement, taking my seat across from the two of them. It was then that I noticed the slight glow to Billy's pocket. I face palmed with a groan. "Billy, please tell me you did not bring the Reality Stone with you to face Thanos."

"So you want me to lie?"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Artemis snapped, glaring at Billy.

"I figured Wanda may be able to use the Stone, y'know, since it still holds her powers?"

"Why didn't we test this back at the cave?" Dick grumbled. "Now we basically delivered doom to the entire universe."

Billy looked down sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I thought I was helping."

"Well, we might as well test it now." I sighed, holding my hand out for the Stone. Billy pulled it out from his pocket and handed it over. Once the Stone was in my hand I felt a familiar surge of energy take over my body. I looked down at my hands to see the scarlet glow was back and a huge grin broke out on my face. I turned to the team with a quirked brow. "Well? How do I look?"

"Bitchin'." Billy said with clear awe in his voice. I smiled at him, giving him a two fingered salute.

I whirled around to my friends who were all grinning back at me with new determination in their eyes. "Are you ready to take on Thanos? 'Cause he is in for a world of pain."

And as if on cue, the bioship was knocked from air by an oncoming meteor that was glowing purple.

As we were falling, I made eye contact with Artemis. She nodded at me, talking through the mind link.

Time to do your job, professional ass kicker.

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