chapter sixteen

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Wanda's POV

Billy and I charged towards Thanos and our friends together, Billy summoning up lightning as we went. As we got closer, Billy reached out through the mind link at the same time he struck Thanos with his lightning.

Guys, we need to get the gauntlet off of his arm.

How do you propose we do that?

Wanda and M'gann can subdue him telepathically, Zatanna can cast a spell to make it easier to pull off, and the rest of us work on tugging it off?

Sounds good to me.

Zatanna started to cast her spell while I stood back and started to reach out to Thanos telepathically. His eyes started to flutter shut as M'gann joined in my psychic battle.

While I was mentally attacking the Titan, my eyes wandered to the others. Thanos could still fight, we hadn't managed to fully put him under so his movements were very sluggish but he still packed a hard punch. An idea struck me as I watched Garfield dodge one of Thanos' fists.

Gar, turn into a gorilla or something like that and hold back his gauntletless arm!

Roger that!

Garfield turned into a green gorilla, grabbing hold of Thanos' arm and tugging it behind his back.

Artemis aimed one of her arrows that was full of knock out gas at Thanos' head and let it fly, hollering when it did its job. She then ran to join the tug-of-war that the boys were engaging in with the gauntlet.

Zatanna! Cast another spell!

Zatanna started to mumble another spell, looking a bit sweaty as the strain of her magic began to take it's toll on her.

The gauntlet began to slip off of Thanos' arm, and when it finally came crashing to the surface of the moon we all let out a collective cheer.

Thanos collapsed to the ground in a heap, forgotten as we all huddled around the golden accessory. Billy was the one to pick it up, slipping it on his arm. Immediately, the left side of his body lit up the colors of the stones as their powers surged through him. Billy gasped and fell to the ground, landing on his hands and knees.

I crouched beside him, holding out the Reality Stone. "I hope you know what you are doing, Billy Kaplan."

He looked at me with weary eyes, nodding solemnly. "I do, trust me." He held the Stone over the gauntlet, placing it in the last remaining spot. Once the Stone was in place, he screamed in pain as the power of all six Infinity Stones went coursing through his body.

"What is he doing?" Zatanna hissed from next to me, glaring at Billy.

"Setting things right." I answered, nodding at Billy.

"I told you, if he uses his reality altering powers before he is fully trained, it will be catastrophic!" Zatanna growled.

"That's why I will be using the Infinity Gauntlet." Billy snarked. "And not my powers you are so afraid of."

"Fine, don't say I didn't warn you." Zatanna sighed in defeat. "When the universe is in peril because of him doing this, don't come crying to me."

Billy narrowed his eyes at her, raising his hand with the gauntlet on it. "Say goodbye to the present."

And then he snapped his fingers.

Everything began to fade to white and I felt weird. I looked down to see my hands turning dusty, just like they did when I exited the Reality Stone. I looked up at Billy as more of me turned to dust to see him smiling sadly. I sighed. "Oh, you motherfu-"

Pietro's POV

Hall of Justice

One minute I was dying from Billy's fire blast and the next I was standing at the base of Wanda's statue in the Hall of Justice with Jason, Tim, and Roy.

I blinked at my would be dead teammate, who also seemed shocked to be alive. Roy looked at the three of us in surprise, feeling his chest where I assumed he was fatally wounded. "How the...?"

"What happened after I died?" I asked, looking at Jason and Tim.

"Billy used the gauntlet." Tim whispered in awe, looking around. "'Say goodbye to the present'...oh, my god."

"Care to share, Brainiac?" Jason drawled, glaring at his younger brother.

"Billy sent us back in the day Thanos first struck. Look around, recognize this?" Tim gestured to the Hall all around us, a concerned expression on his face. "So, that would mean Billy and Tommy should be arriving any se-"

I felt someone bump into me, immediately knowing who it was. I whirled around to see Billy standing there with a confused looking Tommy. "Oh...sorry." Billy's eyes burst out of his head when he saw my face. "Oh my're her twin."

"What?" I hissed, confused as to why he was acting out our first meeting again. "You know who I am, what are you talking about?"

"He knows practically everything about Wanda Maximoff and superheroes in general. Billy's a nerd like that." Tommy gave us pointed looks, looking between the Stone and Billy and shaking his head. "He always jokes that I'm the Pietro to his Wanda. Like I said, obsessed."

"Tommy, zip it." Billy whined, his face bright red. I furrowed my brow, beyond confused at this point.

"You two don't you?"

Tommy lifted his hand behind Billy's head, vibrating it so fast to demonstrate his powers. "No, he wishes."

I nodded, vaguely understanding what was happening. Tommy seemed to have retained his powers and his memories, so why didn't Billy?

Just then, Thanos made his grand entrance just like before, sending us and the twins back into Wanda's statue.

" god, we destroyed the statue!" Billy wheezed and I shook my head.

"I see you have prepared for my appearance. Very well, hand over the Reality Stone and I shall spare the lives of the terrans." Thanos boomed.

I watched Billy scoop up the Reality Stone, but instead of putting it in his pocket like last time, the Stone started to glow brighter and brighter, cracking open as it shook in his hands. Billy let out a yelp, dropping the Stone as it exploded a second later.

I gasped, covering my eyes as scarlet light filled the room. Once I uncovered my eyes, I grinned widely, hollering when I saw Wanda standing there with her glowing eyes and hands. "Hello, Thanos. Ready for a rematch?"

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