chapter six

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Billy's POV

It had been a few days since I turned the lab into a disaster zone and Batman, Black Canary, and the Flash had called the team together for a meeting of sorts. They wanted to discuss the results of the testing they had done on Tommy and I, as well as bring up the fight against Thanos.

"So, we have called you all here this morning because there are a few things we need to talk about with you." Batman started off the meeting, eyes gazing over all of us. I gulped, looking down at my entwined fingers as the Flash took over.

"First on the agenda are the results from the testing we did on the Kaplan twins. Tommy, it would seem that the limit of your super strength is one thousand pounds with your upper body and for your lower body, it would be one ton." The Flash read off the results, making Tommy smirk at me smugly. I stuck my tongue out in return. "As for you Billy, well, the results were a bit inconclusive."

"What? What's that supposed to mean?" I gaped at the adults, unable to believe what I was hearing.

"It means exactly what he said, the results were inconclusive." Batman narrowed his eyes a bit, making me shrink back into myself. "After reviewing the lab footage, we saw that you could produce electricity, fire, and ice, but hardly control it. We saw flight, teleportation and or portals, perhaps energy manipulation and telekinesis, but like we said, inconclusive. So, for now, your abilities will be classified under the umbrella term of 'reality warping'."

I gulped again, not liking the implications those words gave off. Or the looks Pietro, Jason, and Dick were giving me.

"Now that the results are out of the way, we need to discuss the fight with the titan Thanos. The Avengers have given us word that he has collected two of these 'infinity stones' and that there are four left for us to protect. We know the locations of three, one being the reality stone that Wanda created when she sacrificed herself; the other two being the mind stone and the time stone which the Avengers have with them." Black Canary spoke up stoically. "We do not know where the remaining stone, the soul stone, is located but we know what we can do to prepare for the inevitable arrival of Thanos. We train. Everyone to the training room, stat."

As I was walking to the training room with Tommy I somehow found myself falling into step with Pietro. I avoided his eyes even though he was clearly trying to make eye contact with me, so he just cleared his throat instead. "Billy, we need to talk."

"About what?" I asked innocently, knowing exactly what he wanted to talk about.

"Your powers and the fact that you can contact my not-dead sister." He narrowed his eyes threateningly, pulling me out of the procession. Pietro waited until everyone was out of earshot before speaking again. "Did she say why she chose you two? More specifically, why only you can reach her?"

"No, all she said was that the stones can communicate, that the balance of the universe was at stake, and she asked how you all were doing." Pietro glared at me harder, making me sweat behind my knees. "I promise, I'm not lying to you."

"I've held the stone, how come it hasn't pulled my consciousness in like yours?"

"I honestly don't know."

"Well, your going to ask her." Pietro pulled something from his pocket and thrust it into my hand. I honestly shouldn't have been all that surprised to feel the smooth reality stone in my palm but I still gasped in shock as I felt the familiar tingle before my eyes rolled back in my head and I passed out.

When I opened my eyes this time I was not as shocked to see the clear scarlet lake nor the two older teens a few yards away as one braided the other's hair. I stood up and approached them, sitting down cross legged when I was much closer.

Wanda, the one who was braiding the hair, smiled at me. I knew it was her because last time Scarlet was all sarcasm and scowls, and the one who was having her hair braided scowled when she noticed me. Wanda finished the braid she was working on before she addressed me. "Billy, it is so good to see you. How are you?"

"A little dazed and confused. I have so many questions." Wanda smiled again, nodding at me to continue. "Why me and Tommy? How come I'm the only one who is able to contact the two of you? Why not Pietro?"

Wanda chuckled, shifting from her kneeling position to sit next to her clone. "Billy, you and Tommy were not chosen like some sort of prophecy or anything. You just happened to be at the right place at the right time." I furrowed my brows and Wanda sighed. "You two always had those powers, they just laid dormant. The reality stone unlocked them for you, allowed you to tap into your latent mutant abilities."

I nodded slowly, a bit relieved if I was being completely honest. It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulder's. "How come only I seem to be able to enter the stone?"

"Simple, your powers are most similar to ours and the energy signature of the stone, allowing you access easier. As to why not Pietro, well, I cannot answer that." Wanda shrugged sadly, hand skimming over the water's surface. "But Billy, before you go, we must warn you. Thanos has made progress. He now has possession of three of the six infinity stones."

"Which ones?" I shuddered.

"Power, space, and soul, which he just came into possession of not too long ago." Scarlet shrugged carelessly.

"What does he plan to do with them? Do you know?" I grasped at straws, not expecting them to answer me.

Wanda and Scarlet shook their heads in unison before lifting their hands and pushing me back under the water.

I gasped for air as my eyes shot open. I must have startled Pietro because he shot back a few feet, hand over his heart.

After getting over his initial shock, the older teen took the stone back and was asking me a million questions. I just raised one hand up to silence him. "Pietro, Thanos has the soul stone." The color drained from his face as he forgot about his quest to find out more about his sister. Pietro nodded, grabbing me and tossing me over his shoulder as he sped off to find Batman and Black Canary in the training room.

We burst in, interrupting a sparring match between Tim and Dick. They glared at us as Pietro dumped me in front of the adults. "What the hell, dude?"

"Shut up, cuz, Billy has important information. He just talked with Wanda." Everyone fell eerily silent as I recapped my whole conversation with Wanda, the adults' faces becoming more grim when I told them Wanda did not know of Thanos' plan.

When I was done, Black Canary put her hand on my shoulder and smiled tightly. "You did good, Billy. Thank you for coming to us with that information."

"So, what do we do?" I asked nervously, fiddling with my hands.

"The only thing we can do. Protect that stone with our lives."

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