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Today was Taeyong's first day of his junior year at a new school, Sm High School. He was extremely nervous. Would he get lost? Will anyone want to talk to him? Will he make any friends? All these questions were making him very fidgety, and his mother could tell.

"Honey, calm down. I'm sure everyone will love you. You have an amazing talent," Mrs. Lee assured the boy soothingly, rubbing his arm. Taeyong gave his mom a shy smile.

At Sm High the students didn't have to wear a uniform, which was new to Taeyong. He decided to wear a pair of simple ripped skinny jeans and a black button down shirt. He has his brand new high top all black Vans on and his black hair was left in a fluffy messy look.

They pulled up in front of the building, butterflies engulfing Taeyong's stomach. He sighed shakily and opened the door.

"Have a good day ok? I'll still be at work when you get home. Don't forget to let Yeontan (come at me 😤😂) when you get home ok?"

"Alright Mom. Thank you," the boy replied, leaning over to embrace the woman.

"I love you. See you tonight."

"Love you too eomma."

Taeyong shut the door and sling his backpack over his shoulders, taking a deep breath before making his way inside.

On his way up the stairs someone slung their arm around him, startling him.

"Hey! Are you a newbie?" the boy asked.

Taeyong nodded shyly and blushed. "Y-yeah. I'm Lee Taeyong," he replied.

"Nakamoto Yuta. It's nice to meet you! Need help finding classes?"

The two boys made it inside and Yuta finally took his arm off of Taeyong. The older boy shyly took out his schedule and showed it to Yuta.

"Oh nice! We have all the same classes! What a coincidence," he laughed. Taeyong giggled and put the piece of paper away. Yuta led him upstairs, saying his to a few friends on the way.

"You don't talk much do you," Yuta asked jokingly as they sat down in some seats in the back of their first period class.

Taeyong blushed and hugged his bag, his puppy eyes not meeting the younger's. "I-I do... I-I'm just shy."

Yuta chuckled and patted the cute boy on the arm. "That's ok. I'll show you around, help you out. How about it? Friends?" Yuta helped up a fist, smiling as he waited for Taeyong to accept it. The older smirked and bumped the other's fist.


Lunch arrived and Taeyong was already exhausted. His first four classes were very tiring, each one doing the same thing. Each teacher thought it would be a great idea for each student to stand in front of everyone and introduce yourself, saying their name, where they're from, their talent. Taeyong hated doing that, the thought of it giving him anxiety. Luckily he could finally have a break from it as he quietly walked behind Yuta towards the lunchroom. He barely made eye contact with anyone, not ready to go through the awkwardness of meeting anyone new.

When the two boys got their trays, Yuta led Taeyong to a table near the quieter part of the cafeteria, seeing how nervous the boy looked.

"Hey are you ok? You look a little shaky," Yuta observed. Taeyong smiled a little and glanced at the boy for a split second.

"Y-yeah... I'm just not used to new places. So many people, new people, too many voices. I-it scares me," Taeyong admitted quietly. Yuta's heart melted at the adorable confession.

"Well you're ok with me. I'll stick with you alright?" Taeyong met his gaze and grinned before going back to nibbling his food. What am I gonna do with this adorable boy, Yuta thought, chuckling quietly.


Taeyong finally arrived home after a long day of school, his puppy Yeontan greeting him at the door. He giggled and slipped his shoes off, dropping his bag on the bench and kneeling down to pet the puppy and get licked in the face.

He went to let Yeontan out in the backyard and start his chores. He played music throughout the house so it didn't seem so quiet. When he got to the kitchen for a snack he noticed a note left there for him.

I won't be home until around 8:30. Don't forget about Yeontan! And also have your chores and whatever homework you might have done ok? I love you honey! See you when I get home!

P.S. there's cookies in the pantry for you when you're hungry 💖



aeyong smiled and went to the pantry, pulling out the package of cookies that were on the top shelf. He went to his room and snuggled up in his blankets, turning on his favorite show and relaxing before he made dinner.


Heyy hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Lol I'm surprised I had enough motivation to write this 😂



Take a Risk ~ Jaeyong✅Where stories live. Discover now