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It was fourth period and Taeyong, Jaehyun, and Yuta were all sitting in different spots in the classroom. The class was supposed to be working on partner projects, and obviously Jae went straight to Taeyong, but the older was quiet, not interacting or speaking. He barely did anything but gaze longingly at Yuta who was with working with another boy named Taeil. Jae was getting annoyed, because he hated that Yuta reacted to rudely to the boy. Yuta was Taeyong's first and only friend he met here, and just because he held a grudge on Jaehyun didn't mean he could totally brush the boy off. Taeyong was delicate, like a child in some ways. Jae was going to fix this.

The bell rang and the younger sneakily kissed Taeyong on the cheek, quickly rushing out and going into the boys bathroom where he saw Yuta go. He went in and slammed the door shut, crossing his arms and leaning against the sink.

Yuta came out of the stall and jumped when he saw Jae, glaring and going to the sink at the end. Jae rolled his eyes.

"Ok. Just because Taeyong likes me and wants to hang out and be my friend or whatever doesn't mean you can ignore him. Your like, his only friend here and he feels comfortable around you the most. So please, can you just ignore the fact that he's interested in me and fucking talk to him? Your childish reaction broke him dude. He's not eating or talking. He's barely keeping his grades up. Stop being a dick and go talk to him." Yuta dried his hands after he washed them, throwing away the paper towel and facing Jae, taking in what all he said.

"Alright whatever. I'm sorry for the reaction I had but Jaehyun the thing is I told him everything and told him to stay away from you but what does he do? He goes behind my back and fucking-"

"Yuta I'm the one who went to him! I'm the one who gave him my number and asked him to hang out and went to his house and did everything! He never even came to me for anything! It was me, ok? The only thing he didn't do was push me away! I made all the moves! So please just shut your fucking mouth and stop assuming! He'd be too shy to come up to me anyway if I didn't come into his life! So go fix your shit and keep ignoring me like normal. But I am not giving him up. We don't even have to talk. I'll stay away when you're with him and visa versa. You can go run around with my fucking brother for all I care because don't think for a second that I don't know your intentions with him. Hansol and I have no secrets. I never hated you Yuta. Know that. You know I never meant to hurt you. Keep holding your little grudge or whatever I don't care. But don't let Taeyong get even more caught up in our mess. He doesn't deserve the hurt or pain or confusion. Leave him out of it," And with that, Jae left. Yuta just stood there, confused and surprised. He just shook off the feeling and started walking to the cafe, instantly seeing the now red headed boy in their old spot, playing with his food. Yuta sighed and walked over to him, quietly sitting down across from him and setting his bag on the floor. Taeyong barely glanced at him.

"Taeyong..." Yuta said, trying to catch the boys eyes. Tae looked away, ashamed. Tears pooled his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry Yuta," he stammered, sniffling and wiping off some fallen tears. Yuta's heart broke, seeing what he did to the boy. He took Taeyong's hand in his and got his attention. Tae gazed at him with red teary eyes.

"Tae... It was my fault. I let my hate for Jaehyun get in the way of our friendship. I understand you like him I just want you to be careful ok? Don't let him hurt you. And if he does, I'll kill him. I should be the one saying I'm sorry," Yuta explained, gripping the older's hand. Taeyong cried more, covering his face with his free hand. Yuta got up and went to his side of the table, sitting next to him and pulling the boy into his chest.

"I-I'm so s-sorry Yuta please d-don't hate m-me," Taeyong sobbed, clutching Yuta's shirt in his fists. Yuta pet his hair and held him close, his own eyes getting wet as he realized what he did to the poor boy. He broke Taeyong's heart and felt so guilty. He needed a way to make it up, a way to show Taeyong how sorry he was. He would think of something, but for now he just held the distressed boy and let him cry.


Somewhat short update but hey shit is happening 🤷‍♀️ I feel like this is gonna end soon. Is that ok? I'm thinking maybe 20 chapters. Let me know!



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