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Yuta and Hansol casually walked on the sidewalk along the school in the calm afternoon air. Yuta liked it just fine, glad that he was able to be around Hansol again. He wasn't sure if the older liked him back, but he didn't dwell on it much.

"So I assume you and Jae still aren't talking?" Hansol asked. Yuta kept his eyes down.

"No... not after what he did," he replied quietly. He heard Hansol sigh.

"Ya know, after I left Jae never stopped telling me how bad he felt. I don't know how he acted at school but he was devastated.I've never witnessed him in such a regretful state."

Yuta quietly listened, not knowing how to respond. They just continued down the concrete, no real destination set.

"So is that Taeyong guy new?"

"Yeah. He just moved here this year. He's really shy at first but he'll come around," Yuta said. Hansol nodded and stuck his hands in his pockets.

"So how was America?" Yuta asked.

"To be honest... I hated it. Not one bit made me happy. There were too much drugs, alcohol, too many parties I was dragged to. Sex, drinking, smoking, getting in trouble. It wasn't worth it. I should've staid," Hansol replied. Yuta blushed and looked at the boy.

"Why didn't you?"

"Well... they have a great school system where I went, in Washington. I was taught well. I wish that my overall experience was better than it was..."

The two walked up to the fountain and sat on the bench along it. They listened to the birds chirp and gazed at the other students on the campus. Yuta had so many questions for the older and so many things he wanted to do, but he scared. He wasn't sure. Hansol could've changed in those two years.

"Yuta..." Hansol started. The younger's ears perked up as he glanced at the boy.

"Do you not have a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend? You're so handsome I'm surprised! Two years ago you had so many people crushing on you even I was overwhelmed!" Hansol exclaimed jokingly. Yuta giggled and blushed.

"Well I don't really like anyone right now. No one has caught my eye," he said, looking into Hansol's eyes.

Suddenly the bell rang, shattering the mood. Hansol stood and rubbed the back of his neck, meeting Yuta's eyes.

"I guess I'll see you around yeah?" he said. Yuta nodded and grinned.

"Here, I'll text you when you get put of school, ok?"

"Wait, y-you still have my number?" Yuta stammered shyly. Hansol smirked and blushed slightly, glancing down.

"Yeah.... I've always had it. I wasn't sure if I should ever text or call you or not..."

Yuta's heart fluttered. "That's ok. I'll see you later though. Don't wanna be late for class," he said, waving as he walked away. Hansol watched him leave, his eyes not leaving the younger until he went through the front doors.

"Eomma, is it ok if I go hang out with a friend?" Taeyong asked Yeri after he did his homework and walked Yeontan. Yeri looked up from her book and smiled.

"Of course! Just be back before ten ok? It's a school night," she replied. Taeyong nodded and hurried upstairs to get ready, grabbing his phone and wallet and throwing on his favorite shoes and dashing out the door where Jaehyun's car waited. He hopped into the passenger seat and buckled, grinning and blushing. Taeyong always flustered and giddy sitting or being anywhere near Jaehyun. The boy just had that effect on him.

Take a Risk ~ Jaeyong✅Where stories live. Discover now