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Saturday rolled around, making Taeyong nervous. Jaehyun was picking him up in an hour and he didn't even know what to wear. Yeri didn't know where he was actually going so she couldn't help. He just sighed and threw on ripped jeans and a black sweatshirt. He decided it would be fine. He quickly did his hair and brushed his teeth. When he was done he went downstairs to put on his favorite Vans and grabbed his phone, waiting in the living room for the younger.

"Hey honey where are you off to?" Yeri asked as she came into the room. Taeyong flinched and looked up at her, smiling.

"Just gonna go hang out with a friend. He's gonna be here soon," he replied in his innocent little way, hating that he was lying to his own mother. Partly. He was only partly lying. But still.

Yeri just grinned and kissed him on the forehead. "Ok. Just be back before midnight unless you're spending the night. Which if you are let me know alright?"

Taeyong nodded obediently, hearing someone suddenly knock on the door. His cheeks heated up as he watched his mom wink and go upstairs, letting him open the door.

"Um, h-hi," he said when he opened it. Jaehyun was on the other side, grinning and gazing at the shorter.

"Hi. Are you ready?" Jae asked. Taeyong nodded and barely made eye contact with him. Jaehyun chuckled and stepped to the side, letting Taeyong walk in front of him and opening the car door for him.

Soon they were on their way back to Jaehyun's house. Taeyong was so nervous, butterflies swarming his stomach as they got closer and closer.

Finally they pulled into his driveway. Taeyong admired his huge house in the setting sun. It was beautiful. Jaehyun opened his door and helped him out, leading him to the front door and inside.

"So the party will start soon I have to set up a few things alright? You can look around if you want," Jae explained. Taeyong nodded and started towards the stairs, slowly climbing up them as he gazed at pictured hung on the wall. He made it to the top and went all the way down the hall, going past several rooms with just beds until he saw the last one. It had a huge bed. And a TV and dresser and desk. This must've been Jaehyun's room. Taeyong walked in shyly and looked around, amazed. The walls were covered in pictures and drawings. He walked past the bed and let his hand slide along the soft blue sheets. He wished his room was like this. Jaehyun's room was so... alive. He sat and lay on the end of the bed, lacing his fingers over his stomach and gazing up at the Galaxy posters on the ceiling. Taeyong was amazed by Jae's room. He didn't expect it to be like this.

"Like it?" someone asked from the doorway. Taeyong jumped and sat up, a dark red brush taking over his cheeks. Jaehyun chuckled and came over the the older, sitting next to him and laying back just like he did not too long ago. Jae looked at him and patted the bed next to him, motioning Tae to lay back down. The older did shyly, going back into the same position and looking back up at the ceiling.

"I-I love your room," Taeyong mumbled. He heard Jae giggle and felt the bed move as the younger turned onto his side and admire Taeyong's beauty. Taeyong just lay there shyly, pretending not to notice.

"You're so beautiful... it's breathtaking," Jae whispered, messing with Taeyong's hair strings. For once Taeyong felt calm around someone other than his mother. He let Jaehyun play with his hair, closing his eyes and enjoying the calm atmosphere.

He felt Jae's fingers slide down from his hair around to his cheek, feeling how he caressed it. Taeyong blushed as Jaehyun's thumb gently brushed over his lips. He kept his eyes closed, because if he opened them the calmness would be gone and he would freak.

"Can I... can I kiss you?" Jae asked. Taeyong's heart pounded in his chest as he opened his eyes and gazed up at Jaehyun.

"I-I... I guess..." he answered, blushing madly. He watched as Jaehyun bit his lip and lean closer to the him. He felt the younger's breath on his face and his lips graze his before he softly pressed them against his. Taeyong's heart nearly completely stopped as he felt Jae's lips move against his. He shyly kissed back, letting his eyes close again.

Jae pulled back a few moments later and glanced down at Taeyong's now red lips. Their gazes met, Jae staring deeply into Taeyong's big brown puppy-dog eyes. Jae wanted so badly to kiss him again but the doorbell rang, breaking their calm moment. Jae sighed and glanced down at Taeyong's lips again before standing up.

Taeyong shyly sat up and fixed his gaze on the floor. "S-so, who's all coming?"

Jae turned to him and stuck his hands in his pockets. "Pretty much our whole grade. Everyone was invited. I just wanted to bring you here earlier so, ya know..." Taeyong nodded and glanced at Jaehyun, their eyes locking. Taeyong's lips were still tingling from their kiss. He let his eyes wander down to Jae's soft lips. Oh how badly I want to kiss you again...

"Well uh, I'll see you downstairs ok?" Jae said as the bell rang again. Taeyong just nodded and looked back at the ground. He heard Jae hesitate and became hopeful until the younger sighed quietly and walked out.


Wow I reallyyyyyy like this chapter uwu hope u did too!



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