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"Alright since it's day two I feel like I should tell you the in's and out's of this school. First of all, there are plenty of fuckboys scattered around- avoid them at all costs- the popular good-for-nothings generally hang out in packs, normally in the commons. Nerds are always in the library. Socially awkward kids sulk in the bathrooms. And all the others in between. Pretty basic if you ask me," Yuta explained the next day during lunch. Taeyong quietly listened while nibbling on his sandwich. The younger started tapping on the table like he was forgetting something.

"Oh! Also, if you can, avoid Jung Jaehyun with your life. He's complete trouble, trust me." Taeyong's ears perked at this. Jung Jaehyun? Who could be possibly be?

"Wh-who's that?" he asked quietly.

Yuta sighed and leaned back in his chair, ruffling his hair. "Jung Jaehyun is the most known person in the whole school. He may be happy and fun and liked, but what the teachers don't know is that he'll do anything to stay on top. We used to be friends but... we drifted away because he did things I didn't like. But anyway. You're definitely trouble if you get caught under his wing," the younger responded. Taeyong thought for a second.

"What do you mean? What'd he do?"

Yuta looked surprised for a second. "Hold on. Did you just say more than two words to me?"

Taeyong giggled and blushed, hiding his face in embarrassment. Yuta chuckled.

"He likes to go to party's and smoke and drink and cause trouble. He fucks random people, leaving them on one night stands. It's sad," Yuta sighed. The older became flustered at the mention of sex. Taeyong knew nothing about it. His mother treated him like he was still a child, so he was innocent in every way. He knew nothing about... innapropriate things.

"Oh," is all he said.

The two sat in silence for awhile, lost in their own thoughts. Taeyong listened to the sounds of the cafeteria, none of them different from his old school. He kept his back to the room though as to not attract attention. He was already getting accustomed to his new life even if it was only the second day.

Suddenly Yuta groaned and crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at something across the room. Taeyong gave him a questioning look.

"What is it?" he asked.

Yuta sighed heavily. "You'll see. It's on it's way over right now." he growled out.

Taeyong became extremely nervous, butterflies swarming his stomach. He refrained from looking over his shoulder, even if he really wanted to. Then someone dropped onto the seat next to him, scaring the crap out of him.

"This must be the newbie! I'm Jung Jaehyun. Yuta here probably told you that already though. Mind if I show you around?" the boy, Jaehyun asked. Taeyong looked at Yuta with pleading eyes to help him, but he was glaring at Jaehyun. The boy sighed inwardly and glanced at the boy next to him.

"U-um, Y-Yuta already d-did," he mumbled out. Jaehyun just laughed.

"Oh I'm sure he did. But I'm also sure he left plenty of things out. Come on. It'll be quick I promise," the boy urged.

"Leave him alone Jung," Yuta snarled. Jaehyun rolled his eyes.

"Calm down Nakamoto damn I'm just gonna show him around so he's aware of everything. Is that such a problem?"

Yuta continued to glare at him as he stood from the seat and gently grabbed Taeyong's arm. "Come on! We've got plenty of time." Taeyong gave Yuta a pleading look but he didn't notice. Taeyong nervously shook as he got up and packed his things, the feeling of Jaehyun's eyes staring at him making him even more uneven. He waved to the japanese boy and surrendered to Jaehyun, letting the boy lead him out of the cafe.

"So what's your name?" the younger asked as they made their way upstairs. Taeyong blushed and almost tripped at the sudden question. Jaehyun just chuckled and caught the boy, helping him recollect himself.

"L-Lee Taeyong," the boy whispered, his eyes trained on the floor.

"What was that?" Jae asked, leaning closer to the older. Taeyong was overwhelmed by Jae's scent. It took over his senses for a moment, confusing him.

"S-sorry. M-my name is Lee Taeyong," he repeated a bit louder. This time Jaehyun just grinned and continued to walk.

"What made you come here?"

"My mom wanted me to pursue rapping and dancing," he replied in a whisper. Jaehyun chuckled again and lead them to a table in the back of the library. Taeyong was surprised on how they even got there.

"You're cute ya know," Jaehyun blurted, making Taeyong blush and hide his face. "Anyway, so you can rap? That's cool."


Just then the bell rang, saving Taeyong from this awkward moment. He quickly got up and almost bolted to the door but the younger stopped him.

"Here, let me see your phone," he instructed gently. Taeyong stared at him dumbfounded.


"Just let me see it," Jaehyun repeated.

"O-okay..." Taeyong replied, grabbing his phone and putting it in Jaehyun's waiting hand. He did a few things and handed it back, giving Taeyong an innocent grin and walking out. Taeyong stared after him, confused. He quickly looked down at his phone, seeing that he texted a random number saying that it was Taeyong. I wonder... is that his number?


Second chapter! Lol every time I typed "confused" I almost typed "kunfused" 🤦😂



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