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Bet y'all thought that was the end 😉




Jae had invited Yuta to his party he was throwing that Saturday, like any other party. Yuta never rejected, somewhat enjoying his time hanging out at his best friend's parties. Mainly because his older brother, Hansol, was his crush and being at Jae's was the only time he could talk to him.

Yuta was already driving over to Jae's, giddy and nervous. He was always like this going to the youngest house. He never knew if Hansol was there and if he was, would Yuta be able to even talk to him?

The boy parked in Jae's driveway, breathing out a sigh of relief when he saw Hansol's car. He quickly got out and went up to the front door, just walking in like he lived there. He practically did too, since he was there nearly everyday.

Yuta made his way through the house that already had people, other friends of Jae's, setting up and drinking. Yuta found Jae in the kitchen, setting up drinks and food. The older leaned against the counter and took a cookie from one of the plates.

"You do know that Doyoung Jungwoo and Lucas are already almost wasted right?" Yuta said, grinning. Jae just laughed and shrugged.

"Yeah I figured they would. It's whatever," he replied. Yuta laughed and walked away, nearly running into Hansol as he bounded down the stairs. Yuta blushed and stepped out of the older's way, looking away.

"Hey Yuta! What's up?" Hansol asked, ruffling the boys hair.

"N-nothing much how about you?"

"Just about to go to the store for a few things. Enjoy the party I'll be right back," he said, giving the younger a smile and leaving.

It was around midnight and Yuta's head was swimming, the alcohol he had drank making him feel warm and funny. He stumbled around the house until he got to the kitchen, falling into Jae. The younger caught him and chuckled, helping his friend stand up better and grinning.

"You ok dude?" Jae asked.

"Y-yeah... can you help me upstairs? I need to lay down," Yuta mumbled, trying not to fall over. Jae grinned even wider and nodded, directing Yuta upstairs to his room and closing the door, making sure it was locked.

Jae pushed Yuta onto the bed and knelt in between his legs, seeing the younger just gaze up at him drunkily.

"You're hot you know that?" Jae whispered, moving Yuta's hair off his face and leaning closer to him.

"N-no, why don't you show me I am?" Yuta stammered, gripping the front of Jae's shirt. Jae smirked and connected their lips hungrily, feeling Yuta grind on him.

Jae kissed him hard, moving to his neck and sucking on it while ripping open the buttons of his shirt. The younger moved down and left hickeys down Yuta front, licking and sucking at his nipples.

"Jae-" Yuta moaned in a strained voice, pulling on the fabric of his shirt. Jae sat up and threw it off, helping Yuta strip to nothing. Jae grinned down at Yuta excited dick, licking his lips.

"Suck," he ordered the older, placing three fingers on his lips. Yuta obeyed, lathering Jae's fingers in saliva until the younger pulled them away and placed them on Yuta's hole. Yuta bit his lip and spread his legs wide. Jae stick two fingers in, stretching and probing the older's hole.

"F-fuck, just- argh," Yuta moaned, gripping the sheets in tight fists. Jae slipped his fingers out and stripped the rest of his clothes off, tossing them away and pumping his hard cock a few times.

"Roll over," Jae whispered in the older's ear, leaning back and watching his best friend get on his elbows and knees, his ass in the air. Jae caressed it and grinned, smacking it hard.

"A-ah!" Yuta yelled out, burying his face in the blankets. Tears pricked his eyes when Jae slammed into him, the pain shooting through his body.

"A-ah shit! Th-that hurts-" Yuta yelped. His moans were strained as Jae pounded into his from behind, feeling like his insides were being torn apart.

Jae just relentlessly pounded into him, Yuta's moan getting louder and more high pitched. Jae was glad the music was loud downstairs, knowing no one could hear them.

"O-oh god-" Yuta squeaked, suddenly cumming hard and nearly collapsing after. Jae was done after a few more thrusts, filling the boy up and slipping out when he finished.

Jae tiredly stood up, seeing that Yuta had already passed out. The younger went to clean up a little before laying back down on the other side of the bed, falling asleep quickly. Hansol would just have to kick everyone out.

Yuta woke up the next morning in pain. He tried to sit and nearly fell off the bed realizing he was naked next to an also naked Jae. He felt sticky and his head pounded. Did he drink last night? What the hell was he covered in? He painfully got up and stumbled to the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror and seeing all the hickeys and bruises, noticing the dried cum on his things. He suddenly realized what had happened and collapsed on the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks. He couldn't believe it. Jae and him.... fucked?!

Yuta came out of the bathroom and quickly threw his clothes on, the pain making him move slower.

"Yuta, what the hell?" Jae asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"J-Jae, you fucked me?! When I was fucking drunk?!" Yuta yelled, the tears coming faster. Jae's eyes widened.

"Yuta I-"

"No. Fuck you. Never talk to me again. I hate you. I-I can't believe-" Yuta shook his head and ran out, a noticeable limp slowing him down. Jae just sat there, speechless.


K so that's officially it you're welcome haha 💕



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