We needa talk...

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Hey y'all

I'm so sorry for not updating recently... I've just been so busy and stressed

Everytime I go to write I just can't think ya know? I got nothing

I'm sorry for this hiatus thing I've been on :( I'm trying hard to fix it

Thank you all for the new followers and everyone that's been reading my books :)

I hope you guys aren't mad... A lot has been going on

I also hope you all have faith in me as a writer... When I first started writing and saw that people actually liked my work I was so stoked and just kept going but now... It's just hard ya know? I've tried to start so many sentences and chapters, but I just can't keep an idea going

I know this is selfish to ask bit please stay with me... I'm trying my best :")

I'll update as soon as I can officially sit down and focus. Again, thank you all ❤



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