For Real, Gabriel Reyes/Reaper

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"This is ridiculous." Gabriel grumbled, glaring across the street at the restaurant Jesse was undercover in. "I knew I should have had you do it."

"He's doing fine." (Y/n) soothed, taking a sip of her coffee. The two Blackwatch agents were staked out at an adjacent cafe to keep an eye on the young man's espionage. The (h/c) woman reached across the table and grabbed one of Gabriel's restless hands. "You're going to give us away if you don't stop worrying about him."

"I'm not worried about that idiot, it's the mission I'm worried about."

"Right." (Y/n) rolled her eyes. "Gabe, try to relax. We look more like a divorced couple than a couple on a date." They were playing happy couple to keep themselves blended with the surrounding cafe patrons.

"Yes dear." He said sarcastically. He looked down at their connected hands and resisted the urge to pull away. (Y/n) saw his discomfort and let go, wrapping her fingers around her cup to preserve the warmth from his skin.

"You're impossible." She let out a laugh. They both paused to listen to Jesse's current conversation over their ear pieces. "Can I ask you something?" She asked, staring down at her drink.

"You just did." Gabriel smirked. (Y/n) glanced up, clearly unamused.

"These experiments you've been letting Moira do to you, are they safe?" She looked concerned. He rested a hand over his forearm, the scars from various needles twinged with his guilt.

"I'm fine. It seems to be working so there's nothing to worry about." She just nodded, looking out over the canal with a frown. "Now who's the one not acting all lovey dovey?" (Y/n) sighed.

"This is hard enough with the fact I already like you, don't make it worse."

"Sorry." They were both silent as minutes passed. The sound of his breathing made her relax. God, she thought, how far gone am I do be in love with his breathing? Gabriel watched her ignoring him, wondering what had crossed her mind to cause her to blush. He decided not to bring it up, brushing off her blatant admission as well. He knew, he had known for a long time that (Y/n) felt things for him. He didn't return them, did he? No.

"His accent is truly atrocious." (Y/n) snickered, still watching the boats go by. He just grunted his agreement. "Probably should sign him up for acting classes when we get back."

"It'd be a waste of Overwatch's money." He laughed, shocking (Y/n). "Is it the heat that's bringing the color to your cheeks or is it me?" God she hated his teasing so much.

"I hate you so much." She pouted, crossing her arms.

"No you don't." He grinned. A young waitress came over to check on them.

"Anything else for you? Perhaps a sweet dessert for your sweetheart?" The young woman smiled at the two.

"N-no, I think we're fi-"

"Yes, we'll have a slice of tiramisu and two forks." Gabriel loved the look on (Y/n)'s face. The waitress left to place the order. He let out another laugh at the embarrassed look on his partners face. "What? What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't treat my lady to dessert?" She was quiet, returning her attention to the canal. Gabriel frowned.

"Here we are!" The cheery waitress set down a large slice of the coffee dessert. "I hope you enjoy." She smiled and left again. (Y/n) glanced at the dessert.

"Here." She was surprised to see Gabriel holding a forkful up to her mouth. Hesitantly, she opened her mouth and let him feed her. The tiramisu was perfect, sweet and bitter, soft and creamy, absolutely divine.

"This is amazing." She grinned, taking the fork from him and eating another bite.

"After this mission, why don't I take you out on a date?" He didn't meet her eyes.

"Like, for real?"

"Yeah, like for real." It was worth a shot, maybe he did like her. Maybe she deserved a chance, at least.

"Okay, Gabe." They both winced at the loud shouting coming through their earpieces. "Let's go rescue our boy." They left money and their half eaten sweet.

"He gets it from you." Gabriel joked as they ran across the street.

"Yeah, he does."

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