Perfect Nails, Roadhog

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Sunlight shown through grimy, boarded up windows. The beams of light illuminated the almost empty room, dust visible floating in the air. The run down house that they were hiding out in was rather homey given that it had been abandoned for at least a decade. (Y/n) sat cross-legged on the faded beige carpet, book propped on her lap. Her two best friends were out on some legit job which worried her. What kind of business man hired two arsonists to rescue hostages? Well when it all blew up in their faces, she chuckled to herself, she'd be waiting with a first aid kit and a hug for each. She turned the page in her book and grabbed some fingernail polish from her satchel, setting it on the page she wasn't reading. (Y/n) was on her third finger when the door was slammed open and shut and an agitated Australian voice was ranting.

"I hate suits, they're all liars." Junkrat grumbled as he plopped down on the covered sofa in a cloud of dust. Roadhog was silent, removing his shoulder piece. (Y/n) was quick to inspect the two junkers for injuries, relieved when she found nothing more than a scratch or two and some minor scorches. "And the nerve of that copper to call you fat! He was as round as-"

"What? Who called Mako fat?" The (h/c) woman looked up at the man in question, eyes full of anger and concern.

"One of the cops called to arrest us. I hit him with a piece of a drone." Junkrat smiled proudly. It hurt her to know someone had so rudely treated her friends but to call Roadhog fat infuriated her. She stared at him as he unclasped his arm and knee guards.

"That asshole better be glad to have walked away breathing, if I was there I'd have..."

"..." Her words trailed off when a large hand gently touched her shoulder, calming her instantly.

"(Y/n)'s right, you should have let me give him a good wollap!" Junkrat sighed loudly and stretched out on the dusty couch. Roadhog still had a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder, her gaze slowly cooling from angry to bitter. She stood on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You're perfect, Mako. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise." She inhaled his scent, sweat and smoke, and she smiled. "Come sit with me!" (Y/n) pulled away and led him to the spot she had been in before their return. When he was seated, he grabbed her half painted hand and inspected it. He then showed her his own nails, the black paint mostly chipped off and in need of dire redoing. A warm laugh reached both men's ears, a wonderful sound that they both loved to hear.

"I'll go scrounge us up some grub, I'll be back." Junkrat hopped up and was out of the door in a blink of an eye.

"He seems to be taking the job betrayal pretty well." (Y/n) commented, digging for her acetone and black polish in her bag. "I'll talk to him later about it, I suppose."


"And you. Are you alright?" She tore a piece off an old sheet that covered a chair and doused it in polish remover, clearing his nails of the old. She looked up at him again, searching his eyes for an answer. "I know what that's like, being called fat. But it doesn't define who we are to have some extra poundage." Carefully, she painted his nails and blew on them to dry.

"You're perfect, too." Came his deep, rumble of a voice. His words were few and far between but when he did speak, they always meant something. A blush crawled over her face and she looked away. She finished his fingers in silence. He took her hands in his larger ones and opened the (fav color) that she had been using earlier. "Let me." He explained, returning her gesture and finishing her nails. She giggled at him.

"I'm impressed, Mako. You have a steadier hand than I do." His breath on her fingertips sent a shiver down her spine and her blush deepened. After both their nails were dry, (Y/n) curled up in his arms, snuggling close to him. Roadhog placed a gentle kiss to the top of her head, running a thumb over her arm as he held her close. "I love you, Mako. Don't ever forget that."

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