World's Greatest Commander, Jack Morrison/Soldier 76

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Jack rolled over in bed, reaching out and pulling his pillow closer to him. Wait. His pillow? He sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, looking at the empty side of the bed with a frown. Where had (Y/n) gone so early? He glanced and saw the time.

"Shit!" He jumped out of bed and hastily got ready.

"What are you doing?" A soft voice called to him. Jack turned and locked eyes with his longtime partner.

"You let me oversleep, (Nickname). We have training to do." He sat on the edge of the bed to lace up his boots but (Y/n) crossed the room and stopped him. She sat on his lap and held his face so he was looking at her again.

"No, I let you sleep in. We are all taking a day off today." She kissed his nose when he wrinkled his face in confusion. "Change into something more comfortable and come down to breakfast, the kiddos made pancakes and bacon." She ran a thumb over his scar.

"You let those idiots use the stove?" He asked, leaning into her touch.

"Well, Angela and I kept a watchful eye on them." (Y/n) climbed off of him and left him to change.

When Jack finally made it to the dining area, he noticed that Reinhardt, Torbjörn, and Mako sat together while the younger Overwatch members brought them plates. (Y/n) stood with Angela and Ana, watching them scurry about.

"Commander!" Lena saw him first, running over and taking his hand. "We saved you a spot beside Reinhardt!" She dragged him to the table and pushed him into a chair.

"Good morning, Jack!" Reinhardt clapped him on the shoulder before returning to his conversation with the short Swede.

Lúcio arrived and set a plate of food down in front of him. Hana followed, setting down a coffee cup and filling it up. Once the four men at the table were served, the others began to fill in the seats around them, (Y/n) sitting next to Jack. Everyone dug in and were happily chatting away without a care in the world.

"What is going on?" He leaned over and whispered to her.

"The kiddos wanted to make breakfast for Father's Day." She laughed, taking a sip of her (drink of choice). Jack felt the anger bubble up as he looked around the table at all the joyful faces. (Y/n) saw his mood change and tried to calm him down. "Jack it's just their way of showing their appreciation for you."

"I don't care." He didn't mean to shout at her but he was too upset to think. "I'm not their father." He stood, knocking his chair over.

"Jack?" Angela saw the worried look in (Y/n)'s eyes. Jack ignored everyone as he left the room. (Y/n) couldn't stop the tears that welled in her eyes.

"What's wrong with him?" Jamison asked with a mouthful of food. Mako placed a hand on his shoulder to keep him quiet.

"Did we do something wrong?" Hana and Lena spoke at the same time.

"Nah, Commander's just like that." Jesse offered some comfort to the two younger women. "(Y/n), are you okay?" All eyes turned to her.

"I'm alright, I'll go talk to him." She stood and kissed Reinhardt on the cheek and gave Torbjörn and Mako a quick hug. "Enjoy your Father's Day." She hurried in the direction Jack and stormed off in.

(Y/n) found him in their bedroom, laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. She quietly closed the door behind her and joined him on the bed. She laid her head in his chest and they stayed like that in silence for a while.

"Why are you upset?" (Y/n) rolled on top of him, propping herself up with a hand on either side of his head.

"What do you mean?" He tried to play it off.

"They were up at the crack of dawn this morning to cook for you four and you kind of just crushed their efforts." Another frown crossed his face.

"I am not their father. I am not a father!" He pushed her away and sat up on the edge of the bed.

"They know that! But damn it, Jack, they look up to you like they would a father. You take care of them just like a father would, and don't say you don't because I see it everyday." She grabbed his chin and roughly pulled him to look at her. "Those young men and women look up to you, Reinhardt, Torbjörn, and Mako, and only one of you has actual kids of his own."

"Well they're looking up to the wrong person if they think I'm a role model." He jerked his head out of her grasp.

"You're impossible." (Y/n) sighed, getting up off of the bed. "Whenever you get your head out of your ass, come join us." With that, she left him alone.

(Y/n) rejoined her friends in the middle of Reinhardt's telling of Lena's first official mission and how proud he was of her.

"(Y/n)! Come sit with us." Mei smiled and patted the chair between her and Reinhardt. Satya brought her cup filled with fresh (drink). Everyone laughed at Torbjörn's interjections.

"I don't think anyone can tell a funnier story than when (Y/n) took Jamie out on his first legal run. I know Mako was impressed at her ability to control him." Genji sipped his tea, chuckling at the memory of her story.

"I just copied the 'Gabriel Reyes Methodology' that he used on Jesse and I." She smiled sadly at the thought of her old Blackwatch commander. "Besides, I got away with only minor burns so it wasn't so bad."

"And you complained about them for a week." Everyone looked at the doorway when Jack interjected. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow at him. He stepped into the room but hesitated before speaking again. "I want to apologize for my earlier actions."

"No need to!" Lena smiled brightly. "We understand, don't we?" She discreetly gestured for the other young members to chime in.

"Of course! We should have asked before we forced it on you like that." Lúcio rubbed the back of his neck. Jack sat in between (Y/n) and Reinhardt.

"They have one more gift for you, Jack, if you'll allow them to give it." The large German smirked. He just nodded and Hana ran into the kitchen to grab it.

"For those mornings when you need a helping hand in dealing with us lazy kids." She placed a badly wrapped box in his hands and took her seat. He glanced at (Y/n) before tearing into the paper. He opened the cardboard box and pulled out a large coffee mug. Everyone held their breath as he read the writing on the light blue ceramic. 'Worlds Greatest Dad' was written in black bold letters, though the word 'Dad' had been crossed out with sharpie and written below was the word 'Commander' in shoddy handwriting.

"Well?" Jamison was first to break the silence in the room. Jack looked the mug over once more before covering his face with one hand, shoulders shaking. He laughed like he hadn't laughed in years. The others soon joined in, (Y/n) chuckling at her idiot boyfriend. Jack surprised her by leaning over and kissing her on the lips, something he never did in public view.

"I'm glad you finally came around." She grinned when he leaned back.

"Me too." She sat her cup beside his, the one that the young agents gave her on Mother's Day. Her cup, (fav color) glaze, read 'World's Greatest Mom' though 'Mom' was replaced with 'Captain'. "Now we match."

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