Pea Soup, Sigma

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AN: I don't know why I love Sigma so much but I would die for him lol. 

"Dr. Kuiper?" (Y/n) pushed the door open with her shoulder, careful not to spill the tray in her hands. It was oddly quiet in the room, no classical music filled the air as it usually did when he worked. She looked around the lab for the dutchman but he was nowhere to be seen. Setting the food down, she walked around the lab and found him on the floor in the fetal position under one of his work desks. (Y/n) rushed to his side and dropped beside him. "You're alright, I'm here." She gently pulled him into her lap and wrapped her arms around him.

Dr. Siebren de Kuiper was a partial prisoner of Talon, not that he realized or cared if he did. He had been injured during his prized experiment to conjure and harness a black hole while on the International Space Station. Everyone claimed he had been driven mad by whatever had occurred during the experiments meltdown but (Y/n) thought differently. She was the daughter of one of Talon's top older leaders and the organization had offered her, well, forced her to look after the eccentric doctor while he worked in a private lab in the middle of nowhere after breaking him out of the asylum. When the world's top criminals ask you to do something, even in your mid forties, you do it.

"What can I do to help?" (Y/n) spoke softly and brushed her fingers under his eyes to try the silent tears that fell. He wasn't verbal or shaking, just lying still in her arms. She wished she could help ease his troubled mind but what could one do to soothe the pain of the universe coursing through his head? They sat on the floor for at least an hour in complete silence.

"(Y/n)?" Siebren's hoarse voice startled her, thinking he had fallen asleep with how even his breathing had become. "When did you get in here?" He looked up at her worried face and blinked in confusion.

"That doesn't matter. Are you ready for something to eat? I'll have to reheat it but I tried to make erwtensoep from a recipe I found online." (Y/n) offered him a kind smile.

"That sounds wonderful." He stood and offered her a hand up. She went and grabbed the tray and headed back to the kitchen, the scientist quietly following.

"You'll tell me if it's not good, right? I don't know if I even pronounced it right let alone cooked it right." (Y/n) chuckled as she reheated the bowl of pea soup. Suddenly there were strong arms around her. He laid his forehead against her hair and sighed.

"Thank you." Siebren whispered. (Y/n)'s face flushed red and she was glad she was facing away from him so he couldn't see.

"You haven't tried the soup yet, could change your mind." She tried to push away the tightening feeling in her chest. She felt the rumble of his chuckle which only made the feeling worse. His hug tightened slightly before he let go. The dissipation of the warmth stung worse than the pain in her heart. Moments like this made her thankful they were alone, she didn't think she could take Reaper's sarcastic commentary or disapproving looks Moira would surely throw her way. The downside of the solitude with Dr. Kuiper was there was no one to talk to about the unexpected affection she felt towards him. Thankfully he was perfectly ignorant to the way she blushed when his brow furrowed with concentration or how desperately she wished she could hold onto him forever when he had an episode.

"Careful or you'll burn it." He reached over her and cut the microwave off.

"Sorry." She mumbled, moving so he could take the hot bowl out and stir it. (Y/n) swallowed down her internal conflict and watched nervously as he slowly raised the spoon to his lips and carefully blew on it to cool the soup down.

"This is delicious, (Y/n). It reminds me of home." Siebren smiled fondly and took a seat at the table with his dinner. "I could teach you how to make my mothers poffertjes if you would like." That painfully warm feeling returned as she joined him at the table. (Y/n) returned his smile.

"I'd love that, Siebren." 

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