Physics, Sigma

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*AN: this was inspired by this post i saw (pic for this chapter) and it might have gotten more off the rails than i meant XD. Also this one goes out to a certain derpy someone UwU 

There was little sign of life in the base's cafeteria as (Y/n) entered. A researcher laid slumped beside a plate of half eaten food and notebooks, another picked at their bowl of cereal. Being on the moon, time was a funny concept. How did one quantify time? Most just followed clocks and watches set to their home timezone, others would just work whenever they naturally woke up. (Y/n) was the latter and stumbled to the food bar in her pajamas.

"Mornin' (Y/n)." The woman eating cereal called in a thick Welsh accent.

"You're up early, Rhian." (Y/n) filled a bowl with fruit and sat with the chemist.

"On the contrary, this is dinner." Rhian grimaced. "It's all I can stomach at the moment."

"You've got to stop pushing yourself so hard." The (h/c) haired woman shook her head.

As they sat and talked, a few others filtered in and out of the room. A bed-headed man plopped down at the table with the two women and laid his head down with a dramatic sigh. Both women stopped and raised a brow, (Y/n) chuckling as she munched on a blueberry.

"You seem rather chipper this morning, Harold." She reached over and tried to fix his hair when he finally lifted his head. "Long night with little Winston?"

"He was so excited about the books I got him and he made me sit with him and read until he fell asleep." He set his glasses on the table and rubbed his face.

"Have you tried switching to botany? I could use the help with my tests." (Y/n) suggested. "My costas and tomatoes never talk back."

"Or caustic substances?" Rhian added, finishing her cereal. She stood and grabbed her bowl. "I'll see you two around, I'm gonna try and get some sleep." The two waved her off. Another passed the Welsh woman on her way out of the cafeteria, grabbing a premade turkey sandwich and sitting next to Harold.

"Hoi." The large Dutchman smiled at them both. "Harold, you look like schijt."

"Thanks Siebren, it's the two hours of sleep." Harold rolled his eyes. (Y/n) couldn't hold back the snort of laughter, covering her mouth and nose in embarrassment.

"He's quite grumpy today." Siebren leaned across and pretended to whisper to (Y/n), causing her to laugh harder.

"I think it's the two hours of sleep." She wheezed, wiping the tears from her eyes. Harold halfheartedly glared at them both.

"I'm gonna go make a waffle." He grumbled, leaving the two giggle boxes alone. (Y/n) calmed herself down and looked down to see her bowl was empty.

"Gonna make a cup of tea to finish my breakfast off, do you need anything while I'm up?" She stood.

"I'm okay."

(Y/n) walked over to the dish depository and set her bowl on the belt, watching it disappear into the kitchen area. She took a breath and wandered over to the water kettle, cutting the base on to start it boiling. Siebren always made her chest tighten and she hated acting like an idiot around him but he always made her laugh and she couldn't help it. It felt silly, this little crush on him, but there was just something about the man that drew her in. The kettle clicked off as the water reached a rolling boil and she poured her some in a mug, grabbing a teabag and making her way back to their table. He just had a gravity about him, she thought to herself with a chuckle. Lost in her thoughts, (Y/n) tripped over her own feet, stumbling and causing the hot water to slosh out onto her hand.

"Fuck!" She hissed, dropping the mug out of reflex. It shattered on the ground, startling everyone in the room. "Sorry." She apologized to them, holding her burnt hand. Siebren was immediately at her side, pulling her hand to him for inspection.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just stings. I guess I should've paid more attention to my two left feet and not my thoughts." Siebren guided her to the kitchen and cut on one of the wash sinks, holding her hand under the cool water. "Thanks for helping a clumsy idiot like me." She tried to laugh off her embarrassment. He looked down at her.

"We are all victims of physics, (Y/n)." The seriousness in his voice sent her heart into overdrive.

"I suppose we are." She turned her face away to hide how red it was. He didn't seem to notice, focusing on her injury.

"Doesn't seem too bad." He brought her hand up to his face and blew across her still red knuckles. (Y/n)'s legs almost buckled and she looked up at him in shock, taken aback by the smirk on his lips. "Didn't splash any on your face now did you?" He teased, dropping his grip to her wrist and gently pulling her in closer.

"I-uh, n-no." She couldn't get her brain to function.

"Don't think I never noticed your blushing before. It's intoxicating." His breath was hot on her face, not helping her rapidly beating heart. "You turn the cutest shade of red when you laugh at my jokes but I like this shade a tad bit more." (Y/n) swallowed and mustered what few words she could manage.

"Then it's a shade just for you." He laughed at her bold flirtatious statement.

The door to the kitchen opened and Harold hesitantly stopped at the scene before him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. Just wanted to see how she was." He started to walk away which caused another deep laugh from the Dutchman.

"I think it best if we continue this later." Siebren let go, turning the water off. "Save that color just for me then." He winked before leaving her alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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