Strawberry Wine, Jack Morrison/Soldier 76

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The dry summer breeze lightly blew through the wheat fields, causing the soft grain to brush against (s/c) skin. The sun overhead warmed the earth that her toes were currently dug into. Off in the distance she could hear the calling of birds to their mates, and an unfamiliar vehicle coming up the long dirt road that her family's farm resided on. She knew every car and truck that belonged to her father, her brothers, and the man who came to shoe the horses, and this one belonged to none of them. With her hand outstretched slightly, the girl ran through the wheat to investigate the stranger. The closer to the edge of the field she came, the clearer she could make out her father addressing someone.

"-ork. Now I can't pay ya much, but I told yer daddy that I needed all the help I could get."

"That's fine, sir. I'll work hard to earn every penny you give me." The stranger sounded young. The girl slowed to a stop, hiding behind the tool shed between the wheat and the house. The stranger was in fact, a young man, not much older than herself. His short hair was almost as yellow as the wild goldenrod that grew around the farm, his skin slightly tanned by the sun he must have worked under. She couldn't see his face for he was turned away. Her father noticed his curious daughter peeking out behind the shed.

"(Y/n) no need to be shy, come over an' say hi." He beckoned her over, the boy turned to see a (s/c) girl emerge, dressed in worn out jean overalls, feet bare, (h/c) hair thrown up in a sloppy ponytail. "This here is my daughter, (Y/n). (Y/n), this is Morrison's boy, Jack. He's gonna be helpin' out around the farm to earn a little extra cash while your brothers are gone." The two teenagers stared at each other for an awkward moment.

"Pleasure's mine, ma'am." Jack smiled, holding out his hand. (Y/n) noticed how blue his eyes were, almost like the sky resided in them. She took his hand and he was surprised at how calloused it was.

"I'm gonna show him around. Why don't you go finish up the firewood and we'll see you at lunch." Her father clapped her shoulder.

"Alright, deddy." She waved to the boy as she ran off towards the back off the farm house. Jack watched as she left before following her father on his tour. (Y/n) pulled the axe from the block and began splitting the small pile of logs. She frowned as she thought over her father's decision to bring in help. Sure, with her two older brothers off in the military all the work fell onto her and her father's shoulders, but they were managing just fine. They didn't need help, she thought stubbornly. With the wood chopped, (Y/n) went inside to wash up and make lunch.

"And you're more than welcome to stay here, we have rooms to spare. It's a long drive back to your home." She heard her father and Jack coming in.

"Thank you, sir." The boy replied politely. The two came into the kitchen, both looking at (Y/n) who stood at the stove, flipping some grilled cheese.

"Smells mighty good, little finch." Her dad kissed her cheek before taking the plate already stacked with fresh sandwiches and setting them on the table. She smiled, finishing the last two and carrying the pan over to the plate and stacking them on top. She set the pan in the sink, turned off the stove, and sat at the table. Her dad grabbed three glasses and the pitcher of tea from the fridge, sitting across the table from her. Jack awkwardly took his seat between them, thanking his hosts for his drink and plate. "No need to be so shy, dig on in!" The older man laughed, grabbing two grilled cheese and taking a big bite of one. Jack timidly took one and bit in, eyes widening.

"These are really good." He smiled at (Y/n). Her face reddened.

"I-it's nothing special." She stammered.

"Nonsense, she makes 'em special by addin' a drop of fresh honey and some paprika to give it a sweet kick. She's a phenomenal cook." Her dad boasted proudly. "Say, after lunch, why don't you take him to the barn to help you muck out the stalls?" He looked at his daughter.

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