My World, Sigma

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She refused to look him in the eye from across the soon to be battlefield. He had chosen his research, she had supported him. Look where that got them. She had failed to protect him and now he stood opposite her, as an enemy. She blinked away the rapidly surfacing memories of him, of their past life. Ana glanced down at (Y/n) from her perch and knew this would be the hardest fight for her yet. Neither side moved first, both just waiting but for what no one knew. The tension was driving (Y/n) crazy on top of the immense emotional discourse coursing through her mind.

"What are we waiting for?" She growled through her comms system at Jack and Winston. Her fingers flexed around the trigger of her energy rifle that she had trained on Doomfist. "What are they waiting for?" The plan had been for (Y/n) to go out alone with Tracer waiting around the corner to help but when she emerged from the shadows the group of Talon agents froze behind their leaders.

"Keep a level head, (L/n)." Jack snapped in her ear. She rolled her eyes and whistled for her loyal companion to check in. Sigma didn't flinch as she had hoped when the large golden eagle flew overhead to land on her shoulder. He had gotten Altair for her when she had finished her falconry training. (Y/n) hoped that the female eagle would listen to command and not her previous affection for the man and she hoped the same for herself.

"Run home, girl." Doomfist spat at her. "You and your little bird do not belong here."

"Then return the stolen goods, Akande." She tried to sound confident and jovial. "You really okay with being Reaper's errand boy? All that power and still getting bossed around from the shadows, what a shame."

"Watch your tongue, falconer." He growled. He gestured for the Talon grunts holding the large crate of materials to continue to wherever their ship was waiting. "Our new ally needed supplies so we offered our assistance." The way Doomfist said 'ally' sent her blood to boil. Talon was using Sigma for his research so they could weaponize it, they couldn't care less about the man making it.

"(Y/n) look out!" Tracer pushed her out of the way of a sniper's bullet as it grazed her cheek. All hell broke loose in seconds, Talon versus Overwatch. Dazed, (Y/n) raised a hand to her face and looked quizzically at the blood shimmering on her fingertips. "Snap out of it, we have a situation!" The small Brit yelled over the chaos. Altair had taken to the skies when the bullet had been fired.

"Ana, get sights on Widow, now!" Jack rushed to (Y/n)'s side and helped her up. "It's go time, (L/n). Focus on retrieving the crate." She nodded, head clear enough to realize what was happening.

"Altair, find the crate!" She shouted at her bird. Fighting her way through the hordes of Talon agents she was met by Doomfist, ready to charge her. (Y/n) managed to roll out of his way and keep going. Altair was equipped with a camera apparatus that fed what she saw to the screen in front of (Y/n)'s right eye. She had found the crate but who guarded it made her pause for a moment too long. A grunt took her hesitation as an opportunity to fire a few rounds into her side. The pain made her scream but she quickly muffled herself by biting down on her arm.

"Ana, could use a few painkillers if you have them." (Y/n) struggled to speak into her comm device. She felt a pressure and a stick in her shoulder and then the pain subsided. God bless Ana, she thought to herself. She didn't even look back at the grunt but simply aimed backwards over her shoulder and fired off at them. There wasn't much more between her and her assignment.

"(L/n) you're too hurt, fall back. Let us-" She ripped the ear piece out and threw it away.

"Klein vogeltje," Sigma removed his face mask and looked at her softly. "Why did they send you?" The Talon soldiers with him trained their weapons at (Y/n).

"I volunteered." She said, taking count of how many she could take down before the blood loss caught up. "I needed to see what they had done to you." Altair called out from the sky to her master.

"You still have her." He smiled up at the large eagle, clearly lost in a revery.

"Siebren!" (Y/n) shouted angrily to get his attention once more. He looked her in the eye but something was different about him, like something snapped in the blink of an eye within him.

"You left me there!" Sigma hurled his hyperspheres at her which she just barely dodged. "I was abandoned in that hell hole and where were you?" He pulled up a large chunk of concrete and sent it crashing into her. (Y/n) was trapped with the heavy debris crushing her body, still bleeding profusely. She was a fool to let herself face him alone.

"I fought to get you back! All I wanted was my Siebren but before I could get to you Talon stole you away." She tried to push the concrete off but knew it was hopeless. Sigma looked down at her with a mix of disgust and longing. "They fed you lies, turned you against the world you tried to better." Her head started to feel light and her vision started to spin but she forced herself to stay awake.

"My world turned against me." He growled. He raised a hand up, charging up a couple of hyperspheres.

"No I didn't." She coughed up blood, wiping it away with the back of her hand. "I'll never give up on you, Siebren." She saw Winston jump over her, throwing down a barrier to keep her safe as the darkness took over.

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