Ivan Martinez is a depressed kid. His parents abuse him and his brother had to act like he hates him too. They move to LA with their younger sister Sunny. Will this be a new beginning for Ivan?
What's up guys? I'm Ivan Martinez or as I've been called at my old school "lonely boy". I'm 17 years old and I live with my mom, dad, my adoptive brother Ruben, and soon my sister Sunny in this new unnecessary big ass mansion that my parents bought in LA.
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Ruben's a year older than me and he's very protective of me. I had a twin brother named Emilio but he committed suicide when we were 15. Before he killed himself he gave me and ring and a necklace.
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The back of the necklace has "Nunca me olvides - emilio" carved on it (Never forget me). I literally can't live without these. If I lose one of them I start having a panic attack. I have some mental disorders like ADHD, trust issuses, depression. Because of these disorders I don't have any friends. I used to have some but someone made up a rumor about me and they turned on me. Me and Ruben are attending Los Angeles high school this year and my life basically sucks. My parents abuse me, they barely let me do anything, and I got bullied at my old school. Ruben is the only person that actually gives 2 shits about me and the only person that I actually trust. He acts like he hates me when we're at home because of my idiot parents🙄.
They weren't always abusive though. They used to be caring but when Emilio died they started beating me up. Well, my dad has always been abusive. I'm only gonna know one person at school besides Ruben. Her name is Sunny, she's my sister. We got separated as kids. We are from Spain and barely know any English so ThAt HeLpS mY sItUaTiOn. I know a good amount but I'm not fluent. I think this year will be an improvement but things spread around the internet fast so maybe not. I don't know, I guess we'll see.
Hi! I'm Erika Costell. I'm 16 years old living a dream in Los Angeles with my friends Jake, Anthony, Chance, Chad, Alex, Rocky, Alissa, and Tessa. They're all kinda bullies but I'm not. Whenever they bully someone I just get behind them and say nothing. We go to Los Angeles high school. Chance is my boyfriend. We've been dating for about a year now. He's super sweet and loving. My family is rich so we live in a mini mansion.
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My mom is really cool and laid back. My stepdad on the other hand is a little bit different. He's strict especially when it comes to my love life. My older brother JC is the same way. I love them but sometimes they just need to chill. I guess that's all for now bye!