Ivan Martinez is a depressed kid. His parents abuse him and his brother had to act like he hates him too. They move to LA with their younger sister Sunny. Will this be a new beginning for Ivan?
When Sunny and Ruben came in I hugged them immediately.
S: Ivan, yo y Ruben te amamos. Nada cambiará eso. No lo escuches (Ivan, me and Ruben love you. Nothing will change that. Don't listen to him)
R: La muerte de Emilio no fue culpa tuya. Fue debido a todas las personas en la escuela que fueron matones (Emilio's death was not your fault. It was because of all the people at school that were bullies)
We stayed in a group hug for a while then I asked Ruben to get Erika. I sat on the couch and waited. When she came in she sat beside me and I layed my head on her shoulder. After a while Sunny and Ruben left but Erika stayed with me. We played video games for a while and soon I fell asleep on the couch.
Erika's POV
Ivan fell asleep and I let him sleep. I found a blanket and put it over him. I saw him slightly smile when I did. I rubbed his cheek then sat in a bean bag chair.
*end of the day*
It's the end of the day and Mr. Rodriguez came in. He said it was time to go. I woke up Ivan. Yes, he's been sleeping all day. When he woke up we grabbed our stuff and went to Ruben's car. As we were walking out we saw the gang (excluding Chance and Alex) standing outside
E: If you guys are gonna torture him more then you can be on your way *continues walking*
T: Wait, wait, wait. We've been thinking about what you said Erika. Your completely right. We shouldn't treat Ivan this way and we wanna change. Chance and Alex on the other hand may be a different story but they don't matter. So, what do you say Ivan? Can we start over and be friends?
I: Yes
Ivan's POV
Honestly I didn't expect that from them. I expected them to insult me more but I guess people change. We all walked to Ruben's car. Everyone was staring at us. I didn't really give two shits.
R: I see you made more friends
I: Yeah
R: You ready to go?
I nodded my head and got in the car. Sunny and Ray were in the back being all lovey dovey. I showed Ray my shirt
Ra: Damnit. Sunny we gotta break up
We all laughed and Ruben started driving. I saw a few cars following behind us. I'm guessing it's the gang. When we got to the house and we got out of our cars. Just as I said the gang was behind us. We went into the house and my dad was at the door
ID: Iván, ¿no te dije que no puedes tener amigos? (Ivan, didn't I tell you your not allowed to have friends over?)
I: Sí señor (Yes sir)
He punched me in my mouth and my head hit the wall. I fell to the ground holding my head and my face. He kicked me twice in the same spot he did this morning then he walked away. I got up and just shrugged it off even though my ribs were hurting badly. We went upstairs to Ruben's room
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We sat up there for a few minutes then Ruben said he had to go meet a friend so we left to Anthony's house.
Ruben's POV
What Ivan doesn't know is I'm actually going to work. I got a job so I could get me, Ivan, and Sunny out of here. Maybe a small apartment but whatever I need to get my brother out of this house.