Ivan Martinez is a depressed kid. His parents abuse him and his brother had to act like he hates him too. They move to LA with their younger sister Sunny. Will this be a new beginning for Ivan?
I woke up to banging on my door and my name being yelled. I jumped causing Sunny to almost fall off my bed. It sounded like my dad so I told Sunny to go into my closet. She ran to the closet and I opened the door. Of course my dad had to be there. He punched me and I fell. He kicked me a few times in my ribs then walked away. I stood up and Sunny came running out. I looked at my side and saw my ribs were bruised
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I just ignored it. I'm not too worried about bruises at this point. Me and Sunny went into my bathroom and showered. I have 2 separated showers that aren't see through. I finished before Sunny. I put on some black jeans and put this shirt on as a joke for Ray
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When I was done getting dressed Sunny was about to come out of the shower. I closed my eyes so she could get dressed. When she was done I opened my eyes and saw she was wearing a shirt with this written on it
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I laughed. I didn't even know she had this shirt. I saw her look at my arms. I just looked down. She comforted me. I smiled. I took my medicine then we went downstairs. I didn't care if anyone saw my arms. As we were going down I saw Ruben going to my room. I'm guessing he's taking my razor blades out of my bathroom. We grabbed our backpacks and went outside to Ruben's car. A few minutes late Ruben came out. We went to Burger King to get smoothies. Me and Sunny got Tropical mango and Ruben got Stawberry banana. We finished before we got to school. I hugged them bye then walked to the door. My smile immediately disappeared when I saw the devil's at the door. I knew they were waiting for me.