What happened?

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Ivan's POV

I woke up in a cold room, on the ground with no shirt on and I couldn't see anything. I went to rub my eyes but my hands were tied to a pole. I blinked a few times thinking it was my vision because I didn't have my glasses on. I soon realized I was blindfolded then I remembered what happened. I started to hyperventilate but tried to keep quiet cause I didn't know if Chance was in here. I noticed that my pants were still on so I don't think I was raped. I hear a door open and loud footsteps. I just laid on the floor to play it off like I was sleeping. I felt someone kick me in my ribs

I: *groans*

C: Hey bud. Do you know why you're here?

I: *shakes head no*

C: Do you want to know why?

I: *nods*

C: Well too bad *laughs* you don't get to know. Do you wanna know what's gonna happen to you?

I: *nods*

C: Talk freak! I didn't tape your mouth shut for a reason *kicks him in the ribs*

I: S-sorry

C: That's more like it. Now are you sure you wanna know what's gonna happen?

I: Y-yes

C: Too bad, so sad *laughs*

I: W-when do I g-get to go h-home

C: That's for me to know and you to find out later, Lonely boy

He laughed again then I heard a door close. He put tape over my mouth and took the blindfold off. He started to feel my pants and I think he felt my phone because he put his hand down my pants. I jumped because I thought he was about to do something else

C: Woah, calm down there tiger. I'm just getting your phone.

He put my phone in his pocket then whispered in my hear

C: I'm saving that part for later

He touched me through my pants and I jumped. I let out a small whimper but it was muffled since I have tape over my mouth. After that he started kissing my neck and sucking on it. I'm pretty sure he left a hickey. The worst part about this is the fact that I'm bout to lose my virginity to a guy and that I'm gonna be raped. So yeah, ThAt'S fUn. I heard something hit the ground then I felt a sharp pain on my chest. I looked at Chance and he had a huge whip. He hit me about 3 more times. I screamed but it was muffled. He left me laying on the cold ground with tape over my mouth.

Erika's POV

I woke up this morning remembering what happened yesterday. I'm gonna have to confront Alex about it today. I get up and walk downstairs to see Dan was downstairs. I walk to the table and see that Chef Joe made pancakes. I started to eat when Dan said

D(Dan): Hey Erika. How's school been?

E: It was fine up until yesterday

D: What happened yesterday?

E: Chance always bullies people for no reason. Now he's bullying my friend, Ivan, and I'm sick of it because I really like him and Ivan doesn't know a lot of English and a lot of lies were made up about him when he was in Spain. So, I went to break up with Chance yesterday and he freaked out. He told me he had been cheating on me with Alex our whole relationship so I went to hang out with Tony and everybody else. Ivan cheered me up but I still cried myself to sleep last night

D: I'm sorry Rik but, if you're gonna be friends with another boy I want to meet him

E: Ok

Jc: WHAT?!

E: Jc, how long have you been standing there?

Jc: Long enough to hear all of that! *storms out*

E: Well, there he goes again, I'm just not gonna try to stop him

I finished eating then went upstairs to change

I put a but of makeup on cause I'm not feeling it today

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I put a but of makeup on cause I'm not feeling it today. I said bye to Dan then waited outside for Anthony. When he got here we started the drive to Ivan's house. We saw cops at his house. Ruben, Sunny, and their mom were looking worried but their dad was nowhere to be found.

E&T: Hey guys

R: Hey

S: Erika and Anthony, right?

T: Yep, that's us

E: Not tryna be snoopy or anything but what's going on?

R: Oh um... I-Ivan *tears up*

T: Its ok bro *hugs him*

S: C-Chance kidnapped Ivan last night

T&E: What?!

S: Yeah. He broke in last night and tried to kill me if Ivan didn't put the gun down. I don't know what happened next because Chance knocked me out

T: Ok, we'll see if we see him at school today. If he is we'll confront him and if not then we'll give you a call

R: Ok, here's our numbers

E: Ok thanks guys. Do yall want a ride to school?

R&S: Sure

We all got in Tony's car then drove off to school.

Ruben's POV

I didn't get a lot of sleep last night cause I was worried about Ivan. I would say I got about 2 or 3 hours worth of sleep. We were about to get in Anthony's car when my dad stopped us

ID: Rubén, ¿por qué están los policías aquí? (Ruben, why are the cops here?)

R: No te preocupes por eso (Don't worry about it)

ID: Será mejor que me digas por qué demonios están aquí los policías antes de que suba y golpee a la mierda si Iván hasta que esté con soporte vital (You better tell me why the fuck the cops are here before I go upstairs and beat the shit out of Ivan until he's on life support)

I turned around and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt

R: Deja de hablar (Stop talking)

ID: ¿O que? (Or what?)

I punched him in the face 5 times while the cops and my mom sat there not caring

R: Eso es lo que perra (That's what bitch)

I walked away and got in the car. Nobody said anything when I got in. Except Anthony he said "You did the right thing". I nodded and just looked out the window. Soon my phone started ringing

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