Ivan Martinez is a depressed kid. His parents abuse him and his brother had to act like he hates him too. They move to LA with their younger sister Sunny. Will this be a new beginning for Ivan?
After I got that call from Ivan I told Anthony to go to the police station. He did as I said and we all walked in together
Police: Yes sir, how may I help you?
R: Um, I filed a missing persons report for my little brother Ivan Martinez
Police: Yes, we still have people looking for him
R: Ok well I got some information about where he might be
Police: Follow me
I followed him into the room and told him everything that happened in the car. He then told me he would let me know if they found him. I walked out and got back in the car. We decided to go to school and look at abandoned warehouses for Ivan later.
Ivan's POV
I woke up in pain remembering what happened earlier today. I didn't have my hands tied together or anything like that. I stood up and walked around the room. I tried to open a door but it was locked from the outside. I looked in a mirror and looked at my chest
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I touched my head and felt a gash. I wiped the blood onto my pants then heard a door open and I thought it was Chance so I curled myself into the corner. I soon realized that it wasn't Chance, it was one of the guys that held me down
TT: Hey Ivan
I: H-hi
TT: My name is Tristan and I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm gonna help you get out
I: O-ok
TT: Me and my friends are gonna take down the security feed and we're gonna find a away to get in contact with your brother
I nodded and had a bit of conversation with Tristan. He seems really nice. I told him my whole backstory of why we moved to the US. We heard footsteps and Tristan told me to play along like he was beating me up
C: Tristan, what are you doing to him?
TT: He was disrespecting me
C: Tristan, this is why I like you the most out of everyone else
He smiled slightly then Chance left. Soon Tristan left so Chance wouldn't suspect anything. At least I'm getting out of here. But they could be tricking me. Soon Chance entered the room and said he was leaving me here for the police to find. He beat me up some more before he left. When he left I started thinking about how much my life sucks, how I'm a fuck up, and how much stress I put on Ruben. I wish I wasn't a big baby and could learn to do something for myself. I just wanna die here alone on this cold cement floor. As I was thinking and crying I heard a loud bang and yelling. I hear Chance and some other people. I look towards the door scared for my life. I heard more loud bangs then police busted into the room. They looked around the room but didn't see me because of how dark it was. They yelled my name and I finally got the strength to say something
I: O-over h-here
They rushed to my side with a light and put a warm blanket over me. They began to ask me questions
Cop: What's your name?
I: Ivan Martinez
Cop: What is your age and when were you born?
I: I'm 17 and I was born May 10, 1999
C: Do you have any siblings? If so, what are their ages, name, and birthdays?
I: Ruben Martinez, 18, August 25 1998 and Sunny Martinez, 16, March 2 2001
Cop: Ok now, what hurts?
I: Everything
Cop: Ok, we're gonna pick you up and bring you to the hospital
I nodded and they began to pick me up. Once they did I winced in pain. They put me on the stretcher and put me in the back of the ambulance. They took the blanket off and looked at all my bruises and cuts. They noticed bleeding through my pants so they ripped my pant leg open and revealed the stab wound along with the stab wound on my right bicep. They said I needed stitches and I just nodded. They put wet rags on my chest where he whipped me. We got to the hospital and they rushed me in then out a needle in my arm. Soon I started to get drowsy and fell asleep.
Ruben's POV
We are all sitting in class right now and we are just drawing. My phone started ringing
R: Hello?
Cop: Hi, is this Ruben Martinez?
R: This is him
Cop: We found your brother Ivan kn a warehouse. He's currently in surgery but we would like it if you would come up here. You can bring as many people as you'd like
R: Ok
I hung up and Chad looked at me
CT: Who was that?
R: The police. They found him
We all stood up immediately and ran out of the room without telling the teacher what was going on. I was about to run to Sunny's class but I found her and Ray in the hallway. We got into the cars and drove to the hospital. When we got there I practically jumped out of the car and ran inside. Everyone else followed behind me. People in the waiting room were staring at us but we didn't care
Nurse: Can I help you?
R: *out of breath* Yeah uh, were uh, looking for Ivan Martinez
Nurse: What is your relation to him?
R: I'm his brother and this is his sister
Nurse: What about them?
R: *lies* Cousins
Nurse: Ok follow me
We followed her to a room. We didn't walk in because she wanted to fill us in on his injuries
Nurse: Ok so he has a black eye, broken nose, minor concussion, stab wounds on his right bicep and right thigh, gash on his head, multiple bruises, broken wrist, and he's very sore for some reason. We didn't get a chance to ask him because we had to rush him into surgery.
R: How could I let this happen?
J: It wasn't your fault Ruben
R: Jake, if I would've gotten home sooner he wouldn't be here.
Nurse: After a while he will be better then he can go home ok
R: Ok...
We walked inside and saw him laying in pain well, he was asleep. I saw how scarred up he was because of the hospital gown. His face is beat up and he has a brace on his wrist. I sat beside him and cried. This is all my fault. Soon after all my thoughts I fell asleep.